Hi, y'all!
I've been asked to host the next PVP Event after the War ends, and I've got a few ideas. Here's what I know: it's going to be a Phat Deck competition, meaning everyone has to play 60 cards, and everyone uses an 18-card sideboard. (If you don't know what a sideboard is, read this. (
http://www.essentialmagic.com/Miscellaneous/Sideboard.asp)) It's also going to be a Swiss tournament (
The question is, how do you balance such a competition so that (preferably) the newer players aren't at too great a disadvantage and the veterans are able to use their resources?
Option 1 is simply to put the new players at a disadvantage.
Option 2 is simply to prevent the veterans from using their resources.
I don't like either of those two options, so I came up with these proposed solutions:
Option 3 is what I did in the USA vs. the World tournament: I seeded all of the matches so that everyone played against an opponent that had a similar-ish number of upgraded cards in his deck. It wasn't perfect, because I also had to seed according to who had won and lost in previous rounds, so sometimes players with no upgraded cards who did really well ended up facing players with all-upgraded cards who did very poorly.
Option 4 is brand new, and it goes like this: When you win a match, you gain points equal to 60+(the number of upgraded cards in your opponent's deck)-(the number of upgraded cards in your deck.) The person with the most
score (not the most victories) at the end of the tournament wins. Yes, that means that an unupgraded deck that beats a completely-upgraded deck scores 120 points -- and a completely upgraded deck that beats a completely unupgraded deck scores 0.
That should give veteran players a good deckbuilding challenge -- balancing out the score loss from using upgraded cards with the increased chance of victory they provide -- as well as giving skilled newbies a powerful advantage by making each of their victories over the veterans worth more.
Of course, if you have another idea, feel free to share as well!