The idea for this tournament is brought to you by Torriku, edited by CrockettRocket. Torriku doesn't have free time any time soon, so he gave me the code and tournament idea.
You have
None! to PM what vault you'd like to use. The tournament will be hosted on saturday, August 9th at 6 PM GMT.
LoreHow to Play- Each player will have 10 cards that they can start with, and must build a deck using only these cards.
If you chose steal, you don't have to pick it 6 times to be able to use 6 steals in your deck. All forms of quanta sources are automatically implemented.
- Players will battle it out in a tournament style, if they win a match, the other player is eliminated and the winning player can now use the cards the losing player wielded.
- As you win more cards you will find them added to your vault, which contains all cards you can use. However, if you loose, all the cards from your vault will go to the player who beat you.
- Matches are best 2 out of 3.
- You can use both upped and unupped versions of the cards you choose. So if you choose Bone Dragon, you can also use Ivory Dragon.
- All your cards in your vault may not be from the same element, excluding quanta sources. (IE you cant have 6 aether cards because you have damselfly already in your vault)
[li]Once all the vaults are collected, vaults will be made public. Please remember to include the quanta sources in your vault or I'll have to add them. :/. Once in the tournament, decks will need to be sent to the host. [/li][/list]
Signing up To sign up all you need is a forum account and read the rules carefully, then post or private message me according to the example.
Banned CardsPlease tell me if you think any others should or should not be banned along with there upgraded versions.
Spoiler for Quanta sources in everyone's vault:
For the easiest way to get your vault I highly recommend you copy paste this deck code then add 10 cards to this and copy paste again. If you don't own all these cards please go to trainer, or I'll be stuck adding them in for you as to not let your opponents know what cards you don't have making you more predictable.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sa 4vc 4vj 50u 52g 52v 542 55k 576 58o 58u 5aa 5bs 5bv 5de 5f0 5f9 5gi 5i4 5ij 5jm 5ld 5lj 5oc 5od 5ok 5pu 5rg 5t2 5uk 606 61o 63a 7dh 7jp 8pn
Tourney Diagram
Spoiler for Hidden:
Diagram Legend
Black lines and text represent the brackets.
Red arrows represent 'dropping' into a different part of the bracket.
Blue arrows and text explain which battles are taking place in that part of the bracket.

I also called it "pay it forward" as you have to pass over your vault and how the reward code was given to me. Blacksmith originally won it, then gave it to torriku to host a tournament. Afdarenty won that tournament, then gave it to me to host a tournament, which is this one here. I strongly encourage people to keep this going.

Anyway, I'm not exactly sure whats in the reward code, so as for a reward you get
MYSTERY BOX!Please let me know if you think there are any errors in this or standard things I've forgotten to add or even vague wording.