I am going to start listing fortunes as I find them.
I find I often want to use them when I post a theme deck but I have trouble recalling the exact wording, so personally I see the value in having the list.
I will double spoiler this list in the interest of space and also so that people who don't want to know dont have to see. That way I won't take the fun out of it. But, they will be here for reference if someone wants to use them.
So if you don't want to know. Dont look.
Sound good?
--The quotes are all contained in their own spoilers in alphabetical order--
--If you look and it is no longer fun... you were warned!--

Short Sword

-P.S. Using the two accounts I have, I can only post 2 a day. At this rate it will probably take a couple years to finish. So feel free to pitch in. Just be sure to do the courtesy of using the spoiler feature so people have the choice of whether or not to look.