oEtG can still be seen as a balance tool for EtG. The core of the game and gameplay hasn't been changed and all the new cards are in the Armory, so they have already been discussed, liked and voted (Except Chaos Shield I think).
Yes, some buffs and nerfs have been made, many of them discussed in GS&F too, iirc (like the eternal dim shield's imbalance discussion). Also small stuff like permanents acting before creatures attack, something zanz changed long ago because of a bug he couldn't fix (it was the original idea after all) and a better AI is in development (many many pages of AI Improvement say it's needed).
Now, I don't see anything wrong in adding some fun to the game. Booster packs and trading is a good combination of features if cards are a bit harder to get, but that's subjective. New AIs can still be proposed and tested, such as cards, and you can use the "trainer mode" to test stuff without gaining all the cards.
If it makes you (you = everyone oposing to oetg) happier, I'm pretty sure some people can easily make a simple EtG back up apart from the current oEtG so it can be used as a duel tool for the times of server bork, specially tournaments, without any changes to etg's cards and mechanics.