Added your art, BluePriest, looks really nice, but I am not too sure I like the buttons actually. If you want to continue working on UI, I recommend contacting
SethKips who is currently working on it.
Also, want some feedback on quest system:
I am planning to have several independent quests, some which might be unlokced from the start, some which might unlock as you complete others (so a longer story maybe) and some that unlock when you finish certain requirements (such as gettin 100 light cards for example)
As you see in the Necromancer example quest, each stage in the quest is represented with an icon that you click to start the duel.
Now I want to know what people think. Since you will have several quests, how will they be shown? Some alternatives:
1. One big map where all stages of all quests are shown, like it is now but with more quests on the same map (might be crowded when more quests is added)
2. A Menu that pops up when you click Quests the show a list of all the quests (possibly including the ones you haven't unlocked yet, and it would say the requirements). And once you choose a quest you would get to a map-like place where the stages are shown, like now.
3. One big map where all quests are shown as icons. When you click an icon you get to a smaller zoomed in map where the stages are shown (so like a mix of 1 and 2).
Or any other idea you might have. I woul presonally prefer 2 or 3, but 3 needs someone (not me, I can't draw) to make an entire world map for the game, preferably with all elements having its own area/country and probably some "neutral" areas as well.