Elements ReloadedThe phone rings in front of you. You put on your sunglasses (even though you are indoors) and pick it up: "I'm in". You quickly leave the building, to make sure the Demigods can't find or catch you. Hmm. Something is different.
Most of your weapons and are abilities you had before are gone. Is something wrong with the program? No. You can feel something is different. You realize you now have skills you couldn't even dream about before. Weapons of a type you didn't know existed. It would take you a while to get used to this, but the battle against the system have only just started.
Rules:A maximum of 6 copies of those cards that exists in Elements the Game is allowed.
Pillars/Pends/Mark Cards are not included in this, they are unrestricted.
No upgraded cards are allowed.
Each match will be a best-of-3.
Note that you can switch decks between duels.
You must contact your opponent and schedule time with him, the tournament will not be happening on a specific time/date like the EtG tournaments.
NOTE: This tournament is NOT played in Elements the Game but in OpenEtG (
http://etg.dek.im/) Basically an open-source "fanmade" version of Elements.
1st Place: 300 Gold + Nymph Code + Mark Code
2nd Place: 250 Gold + Nymph Code
3rd Place: 200 Gold
4th Place: 150 Gold
http://challonge.com/etgreloadedRound 1 closes in: Round 1 closed
Any questions, just ask them here or find me in chat.