also its been my experience all decks run smother with 40 cards.
I think you're trying to say, "All decks get themselves completely smothered if they are run with 40 cards," which is something I agree with.
Seriously. Smaller = Better.
actually i meant exactly what i said, and i have tried to run this deck upd, and nupd. and at 30 cards you get stumped most of the time. atleast with this deck, my rainbow entropy deck, my gravity/earth deck. all of em, when i want to go with speed i go down to 35 cards, and even at that low i start noticing a suffering of when i get what i need.
when i run decks at 30 cards i have to wait for combo cards, pillars, pretty much everything for a great start, when i run 40 cards i get the right balance of what i want, and can possibly first turn get started, instead of waiting for 2-4 turns with 5 of half my combo in my hand, for one card of the other half. so when i said "in my experience all decks run smoother* with 40 cards, that is what i meant. unless your just making fun of my mispelled word smother-when meant smoother*. but since the context clues following this quote- clearly describes what i meant, i dont think you are.