I am an amateur reviewer on decks, so please take this with a grain of salt.
First, especially if the deck has x2 Dexterity, I highly recommend a 35 card deck. Much more consistent in the long run. Now, a deck like this, I would consider a Domin. Domins use their small amount of defense to counter another deck's offense, and then strike while their opponent is weak. One of the reasons why I like to enforce a smaller deck size is because, well, a domin isn't a domin unless it can execute its strategy. Here are my editions to the deck.
First off, I'd get rid of your dimensional shields. Those won't help a lot, especially when you have Fog Shields and Wings. They're rather pointless in this deck. 20 cards to go.
Then, I'd get rid of your phase dragons, 2 of your immortals, and the Lobotomizer. Phase Spiders do 4 damage, and Recluses do 7. The usual elemental has 100 HP (assuming there are no alterations in the form of Stone Skin or Shard of Divinity), so you should be just fine. Also, Owl's eye can do the job just fine in a deck such as this. 15 cards to go.
For the remaining upgraded cards, I would definitely do 2 owl's eyes and then remove the third one. Then, I would remove the Wind Pillars and Dragonflies/Damselflies. You should be relatively fine with what you have in quanta production. As for the remaining 2 upgrades, I would go with the one non-oracle Phase Spider and one of the Air Pendulums. 6 cards to go.
At this point, your deck would be relatively acceptable, with a 41 card count, but let's get down to 35.
Let's remove those Mindgates and Psions. You already have healthy attackers in the form of Phase Spiders and Immortals. Also, there's no need for your opponent's cards. 2 cards to go.
At this point, I'll let you choose. But, in reality, there are two options, depending on your true strategy. Either you could:
Remove 1 thunderstorm and 1 aether pillar
Remove 2 aether pillars.
The resulting deck should either look like:
Like I said, take this with a grain of salt. I probably know nothing about this strategy.