Competitively, Darkness is, without a doubt, my favourite Element to play with. A couple of you have already mentioned "versatility" in this topic...
The versatility you find in light is like no other, except with fire. But their versatility is like yin and yang of eachother.
Light, because I feel like Light represents me. Versatile, easy to work with, durable.
If I'm completely honest with you, I think both of these statements are rubbish! There are only three Elements in this game I think the term can accurately be used with - Fire, Aether, and of course, my beloved Darkness. The power to either completely obliterate your opponent's health pool, or decimate their entire offensive force simply by changing a few in-element cards - that's real versatility.
Wait... Doesn't versatility means having a lot of options? If so, isn't Water more versatile than Fire in this game? It even has access to all three forms of damage.
Versatility means ability to adapt and change.
In elementspeak, a versatile deck can deal with more types of decks without changing its decklist.
Whilst water could have more total options than fire across all of its decks, Fire can use a lot of its different choices in just a handful of them.
A typical firestall is more "versatile" than a typical water stall, simply because it can deal with so many more things than a water stall without having to change its decklist.