Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => General Discussion => Topic started by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 01:03:57 am

Title: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 01:03:57 am
Given the popularity of my recent events, I figured I shouldn’t hesitate with my newest idea! As Devil’s Gate has already seen most of its players eliminated, and I might be less active a couple months from now, there’s no better time to start my next event. In fact, sign-ups have already begun. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/devil's-gate/devil's-gate-rules/msg1227573/#msg1227573)
Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
The forum is under crisis (well… kinda), and it’s up to you to defend it!

There once was a time when the seven types of forumers lived peacefully in coexistence. But that time is coming to an end...kinda. The crisis began when the newbs complained that the forum was too complex and disorganized for them. The BL players proposed that the forum should exist only for PvP. However, the Card Designers countered with the opposite suggestion: to remove all forms of PvP from the forum entirely. The veterans attempted to remove both the BL Players and Card Designers from the forum, but the Administrators foiled their plan. Meanwhile, the rest of the forumers lurked in the shadows, waiting to act on their own mysterious motives.

- To sign up, simply post in this thread with the type of forumer you are.
- Each of the seven types of forumers has its own deckbuilding restriction - choose wisely!
- Sign-ups have ended.

“I always kinda avoided the forums... They are just kinda yucky.” - joebob555
Lore: The Newbs have just recently arrived to the forum to find a mess of competitive factions, vying for popularity and attention. But when the Newbs suggested eliminating the least important aspects of the forum, they made the problem even worse. The forum is now in a state of crisis, and the Newbs could end up determining which side comes out on top.
Restriction: You cannot use rare cards. The only creatures allowed are Dragons.

BL Players
“Timdood3: 2 mathman101: 0" - Timdood3
Lore: The BL Players were the first to respond to the concern brought up by the Newbs, by proposing to rid the forum of all its non-PvP aspects. Although the BL Players have put forth a very controversial suggestion, they stand by their idea with conviction. After all, PvP is the only part of the forum where true originality is rewarded.
Restriction: You may only use the following three decks: PvP Graboid Rainbow (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/rainbow-decks/pvp-graboid-rainbow-%28unupped%29/), Scrambled Shriekers (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/trio-quartet/scrambled-shriekers/), and Arctic Infection (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/duo-decks/arctic-infection/). You can change a maximum of six cards per deck.

Card Designers
“Was mostly shit at this but I had fun” - Arum
Lore: In response to the BL Players, the Card Designers have made a counter proposal of their own: banning all PvP from the forum. They are willing to fight to the death to defend their ideals, even if it requires PvP. Unfortunately, their PvP strategies always tend to be a little odd.
Restriction: You may only use cards with an odd-numbered quanta cost, with the exception of pillars and pendulums. If you reach the final 8 players, you may design your own card to use in the rest of your matches, which will be played in Elements Cygnia.

“I just made this quote for the event.” - RootRanger
Lore: The Veterans have seek to remove both the BL Players and the Card Designers alike from the forum, having grown tired of their absurd requests. The Veterans, however, have a plan of their own. They intend to eventually remove all of the new players from the community, converting the forum into a paradise of only veteran players.
Restriction: You may only use cards from the Original Series (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/cards/cards-per-patch/msg1155035/#msg1155035) of the game, but you are allowed to seek help from retired forum members to assist you in your deckbuilding.

“This is why we can't have nice things” - antiaverage
Lore: Ever since the dawn of Elements, the Administrators have taken a sacred vow to abstain from participating in PvP, focusing solely on maintaining order amongst the forumers. Their vow has just been broken. Recent events have left the Administrators with no choice but to take up arms in order to prevent the forum from collapsing into a state of chaos.
Restriction: The only Elements allowed are Aether and Entropy. Before the match, you may edit this post to alter these rules.

“Continuerò a fare parte del consiglio fino alla fine del mandato.” - SpikeSpiegel
Lore: The Italians are a secret cult who communicate amongst themselves using a cryptic code. They have devoted their lives to the study of the great creator Zanzarino, who they consider to be the very first Italian. The Italians believe that if they can uncover what caused Zanzarino to disappear, they can bring him back and restore eternal prosperity to the forum.
Restriction: Gli unici Elementi ammessi sono la Vita, la Luce e il Fuoco.

“+1 :aether 64 total” - hainkarga
Lore: The Nymphomaniacs are players obsessed with having a lot of Nymphs, sometimes through immoral or illegal means. The Nymphomaniacs seek to use their massive collections of Nymphs to convert the entire forum to their wicked way of life.
Restriction: The only creatures allowed are Nymphs.

- Pairings are determined completely randomly, for each match. Upon losing two matches, a player is eliminated.
- Upgraded cards are not permitted.
- Matches are best-of-five. The first player to win three games wins the match.
- At the beginning of each round, players are paired against 1 opponent. Players have 7 days to make the fight happen. They must contact their opponent using a private message and try to find a time that suits them both.
- After the match, both players must submit their results and decks in the official thread for the round.
- The winner of the event is awarded an award icon. The second place player is not awarded anything. The third place player is awarded a staff title of their choice.

1.) rob77dp (Veteran)
2.) iancudorinmarian (Italian)
3.) Discord (Card Designer)
4.) Timdood3 (BL Player)
5.) godisnowonline (Newb)
6.) MeowMeowCat (Administrator)
7.) Manuel (Italian)
8.) JonathanCrazyJ (BL Player)
9.) CleanOnion (Nymphomaniac)
10.) Zawadx (Italian)
11.) Puff (BL Player, Administrator)
12.) Arum (Card Designer)
13.) Aves (Nymphomaniac)
14.) Linkcat (Veteran)
15.) Basman-1453 (Newb)
16.) kinkykitten624 (BL Player)
17.) qwerter (Newb)
18.) ddevans96 (Nymphomaniac)
19.) Physsion (Veteran)
20.) Smokey110 (Newb)
21.) inthisroom (Nymphomaniac, Italian, Veteran, Newb)
22.) kirbylover314 (Newb)
23.) Afdarenty (Veteran)
24.) Fippe94 (Administrator, Card Designer)
25.) tereret (Card Creator)
26.) mrpaper (Veteran)
Title: Re: Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Solaris on April 01, 2016, 01:07:35 am
Title: Re: Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 01:10:28 am
Nope, sorry, being a Tournament Organizer doesn't quite qualify you as an Administrator. I've noticed you've been pretty active in BL and Card Design. Do you want to sign up for one of those roles?
Title: Re: Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Solaris on April 01, 2016, 01:13:01 am
Nope, sorry, being a Tournament Organizer doesn't quite qualify you as an Administrator. I've noticed you've been pretty active in BL and Card Design. Do you want to sign up for one of those roles?
Bugger! Hopefully my secret Trump card can win me the event as a Card Designer. It's time to make Elements great again.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Arum on April 01, 2016, 01:15:53 am
Oh, I got quoted. Nice.

I will be a Veteran.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: CleanOnion on April 01, 2016, 01:16:56 am
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 01:18:06 am
Apologies for not noticing you were an Administrator, MeowMeowCat. Would you like to switch back to it?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Solaris on April 01, 2016, 01:18:38 am
Apologies for not noticing you were an Administrator, MeowMeowCat. Would you like to switch back to it?
I knew they'd notice my prowess sooner or later. Administrator please!
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Manuel on April 01, 2016, 01:19:20 am
Restriction: Gli unici Elementi ammessi sono la Vita, la Luce e il Fuoco

is already hard be italian IRL, i wanna be a BL
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on April 01, 2016, 01:20:06 am
BL please. I always go with the meta, and this is obviously the superior role. Almost OP tbh.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: CleanOnion on April 01, 2016, 01:22:47 am
I'm sure you've all seen my collection (http://puu.sh/o1rwt/80baf8e235.txt) of Nymphs that I'm so proud of.

I would like to sign up as a Nymphomaniac.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Zawadx on April 01, 2016, 01:25:46 am
I wanna be admin.

I mean, I have had more staff positions than they ever will.

Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Sera on April 01, 2016, 01:28:34 am
Anyone up for BL? IGN utsuhoshi
Apparently twitch copypastas don't count so I can't be an Italian.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 01:31:10 am
Restriction: Gli unici Elementi ammessi sono la Vita, la Luce e il Fuoco

is already hard be italian IRL, i wanna be a BL
Thanks for the correction. You've proven yourself to be a true Italian, and I've added you to the sign-ups accordingly. Unfortunately, you can't really qualify as a Veteran unless you win a few more events. You could maybe win 4-5 tournaments before the sign-up deadline, perhaps?

I wanna be admin.

I mean, I have had more staff positions than they ever will.
I've tentatively added you as an Italian, since you seem like you'd be pretty good with cryptography. I can't really add you as an admin, though. Staff positions aren't really a sufficient qualification. Perhaps there any forums you are an Administrator of?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Zawadx on April 01, 2016, 01:34:39 am
Well I did manage to read the Italian restriction, so sure
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Arum on April 01, 2016, 01:35:55 am
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Manuel on April 01, 2016, 01:36:18 am

Thanks for the correction. You've proven yourself to be a true Italian, and I've added you to the sign-ups accordingly. Unfortunately, you can't really qualify as a Veteran unless you win a few more events. You could maybe win 4-5 tournaments before the sign-up deadline, perhaps?

i already changed my mind in BL because i didn't know that pendulumns wasn't in the original series, is ok?

Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 01:40:49 am
Sorry, you're going to remain a Card Designer. There's really no other role that fits you as well. You were even quoted!

i already changed my mind in BL because i didn't know that pendulumns wasn't in the original series, is ok?
Still, I feel like Italian is the role that suits you the best, so I think I'll keep you there.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Aves on April 01, 2016, 01:48:03 am
All must learn the way of the Nymphomaniac!
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Linkcat on April 01, 2016, 01:53:17 am
The event looks great, but I'm worried that Newbs are a bit OP. Their restrictions don't really hurt that much.

I'm signing up as a Veteran, of course.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: CleanOnion on April 01, 2016, 01:54:35 am
The event looks great, but I'm worried that Newbs are a bit OP. Their restrictions don't really hurt that much.

I'm signing up as a Veteran, of course.
Dragons are fairly overpowered
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 02:03:37 am
All must learn the way of the Nymphomaniac!
I've tentatively added you as a Nymphomaniac, but make sure to prove that you have a large collection of Nymphs before the sign-up deadline.

The event looks great, but I'm worried that Newbs are a bit OP. Their restrictions don't really hurt that much.

I'm signing up as a Veteran, of course.
I don't really think you meet the qualifications for being a Veteran. Have you considered winning more tournaments? Anyways, I've signed you up as a Newb.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Basman-1453 on April 01, 2016, 02:12:12 am
* Basman-1453 signs in and admits his Newbness.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Lunaris on April 01, 2016, 02:14:21 am
I think I'll go ahead and join a PvP Event. Most likely won't get very far :P

Is it okay if I join as a BL Player, Root?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 02:17:15 am
* Basman-1453 signs in and goes out of his way to learn Italian.
I haven't seen you converse among the Italians before. You'll need to prove to me that you've figured out how to crack their secret code. Until then, I'll have you as a Newb.

I think I'll go ahead and join a PvP Event. Most likely won't get very far :P

Is it okay if I join as a BL Player, Root?
Yup, sounds great!
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Basman-1453 on April 01, 2016, 02:19:27 am
Root, I think I've edited my admission post b-aw shat XD
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Aves on April 01, 2016, 02:20:21 am
All must learn the way of the Nymphomaniac!
I've tentatively added you as a Nymphomaniac, but make sure to prove that you have a large collection of Nymphs before the sign-up deadline.

Video Evidence of my 42nd Nymphhttp://imgur.com/bNLOWdO (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Timdood3 on April 01, 2016, 02:21:36 am
[19:14:03] ‹Timdood3› ‹@RootRanger› Do I count as a veteran since I started in 2010 (technically) and have won two tournaments? :silly:
[19:14:19] ‹RootRanger› ‹@Timdood3› You're the quintessential BL Player - you're even quoted!

I'm an aspiring nymphomaniac, but this'll do!
(I only have 11 nymphs, not quite enough to get the title v.v)
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: DoubleCapitals on April 01, 2016, 02:25:44 am
No forum gamers
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 02:28:17 am
No forum gamers
I appreciate your sign-up, and I've added you.

I'd also like to take a minute to fully explain the Admin's restriction. Let's say you expect your opponent to bring a Grabbow, and you don't think you can win with just Aether and Entropy cards. You can change the rules to allow Fire and Light cards - and then catch your opponent by surprise with a Firestall! Of course, the downside to this role is that other Admins can use Firestall against you!
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: ddevans96 on April 01, 2016, 02:29:26 am
Am newb, how do play?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Solaris on April 01, 2016, 02:29:55 am
Am newb, how do play?
how do tournament?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 02:31:08 am
Am newb, how do play?
Nice try, but I used the most advanced investigation methods to determine that you've been playing Elements for like a super long time! There's only one type of forumer that could try to pull off such a shady trick. You're a Nymphomaniac!
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Linkcat on April 01, 2016, 02:42:52 am
The event looks great, but I'm worried that Newbs are a bit OP. Their restrictions don't really hurt that much.

I'm signing up as a Veteran, of course.
I don't really think you meet the qualifications for being a Veteran. Have you considered winning more tournaments? Anyways, I've signed you up as a Newb.

I have to disagree with this. I started playing before you did, and in the tournament I won I beat Ginyu and RavingRabbid, which means I'm better at PvP than them. I think that qualifies me.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 02:44:55 am
The event looks great, but I'm worried that Newbs are a bit OP. Their restrictions don't really hurt that much.

I'm signing up as a Veteran, of course.
I don't really think you meet the qualifications for being a Veteran. Have you considered winning more tournaments? Anyways, I've signed you up as a Newb.

I have to disagree with this. I started playing before you did, and in the tournament I won I beat Ginyu and RavingRabbid, which means I'm better at PvP than them. I think that qualifies me.
Fair enough, your forum type has been changed accordingly. But this was partly because we only had one other veteran who had signed up.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Physsion on April 01, 2016, 02:49:54 am
hi guys i am new this game, can i play pls?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Smokey1110 on April 01, 2016, 02:52:19 am
Hi. Am newb?


Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: inthisroom on April 01, 2016, 03:33:11 am
Hello, I'm a bloody diva and I will only be playing on regular EtG.

I guess I'd qualify as Nymphomaniac (53 Nymphs), Italian (Latin based languages ftw, been there often, parlo, capisco), Veteran (been here a bit), and, of course, eternal Newb (wuts teh best Elimint?).
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 04:17:51 am
Hi. Am newb?
Absolutely. Welcome aboard!

Hello, I'm a bloody diva and I will only be playing on regular EtG.

I guess I'd qualify as Nymphomaniac (53 Nymphs), Italian (Latin based languages ftw, been there often, parlo, capisco), Veteran (been here a bit), and, of course, eternal Newb (wuts teh best Elimint?).
Very well then - but you'll have to use all 4 restrictions! It may be difficult to make a legal deck, but you're smart enough to figure it out.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: inthisroom on April 01, 2016, 04:31:11 am
Very well then - but you'll have to use all 4 restrictions! It may be difficult to make a legal deck, but you're smart enough to figure it out.

Lol, in that case, I could use only Dragons and only Nymphs, that alone would kill it.

Also - and I'm writing this with nervous sweat on my forehead - I really meant Nymphomaniac or Italian or Veteran or Newb.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Aves on April 01, 2016, 05:30:32 am
Very well then - but you'll have to use all 4 restrictions! It may be difficult to make a legal deck, but you're smart enough to figure it out.

Lol, in that case, I could use only Dragons and only Nymphs, that alone would kill it.

Also - and I'm writing this with nervous sweat on my forehead - I really meant Nymphomaniac or Italian or Veteran or Newb.

Psh, Root is handholding you! He's basically telling you to use the best deck!
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: kirbylover314 on April 01, 2016, 06:05:18 am
I have no clue how to speak Italian, but for the sake of keeping numbers uneven as possible, I will be an Italian.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Aves on April 01, 2016, 06:11:50 am
I have no clue how to speak Italian, but for the sake of keeping numbers uneven as possible, I will be an Italian.

Just learn Latin, and you'll be more Italian than the Italians :P 8)
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Afdarenty on April 01, 2016, 09:03:16 am
Am I a Vet these days? Doesn't feel like it. Maybe because I know how much I mess up behind the scenes :P
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Fippe94 on April 01, 2016, 09:51:05 am
I'd like to sign up as an Administrator. I am Admin on another Element-related forum, so I am qualified.

Are there any restrictions on the card that the Card Designer can make? If not, I'd like to sign up as Card Designer too.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: inthisroom on April 01, 2016, 10:23:04 am
Questions regarding the rules:

Does the opponent get to see the Administrator's edit before the confrontation? If yes, how long before?

Also, when you say Original Series, you really mean no patch at all?   :'(

In the Original Series, SoG and SoD were only available upgraded, does that mean they can't be used by Vets even in an unupped version?

NO UPGRADES?  :'( :'( :'(

You animal.

Sounds like I'm bickering, nice event though, thanks for hosting again.

The Italians are actually the Illuminati. I never wrote this.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: godisnowonline on April 01, 2016, 10:27:32 am
Do dragonflys count as dragons root? Its right in the name >.>  :-X
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on April 01, 2016, 10:41:10 am
Do dragonflys count as dragons root? Its right in the name >.>  :-X

Holy crap, he totally found the meta-hole
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Fippe94 on April 01, 2016, 10:42:49 am
There is also Leaf Dragons
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: iancudorinmarian on April 01, 2016, 12:21:48 pm
I'm not italian (http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_super/1/18175/2256360-dansgame.png)
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 01, 2016, 02:19:08 pm
I have no clue how to speak Italian, but for the sake of keeping numbers uneven as possible, I will be an Italian.
Only a Newb would try to disguise himself as an Italian, without actually knowing how to interpret their secret code!

Am I a Vet these days? Doesn't feel like it. Maybe because I know how much I mess up behind the scenes :P
Psh, of course!

I'd like to sign up as an Administrator. I am Admin on another Element-related forum, so I am qualified.

Are there any restrictions on the card that the Card Designer can make? If not, I'd like to sign up as Card Designer too.
Excellent - the two roles we have the fewest of! Now, the only restriction is that the Cygnia team gets to decide whether or not the card goes into the game. So it's not a very effective ability if they're matched up against you!

Questions regarding the rules:

Does the opponent get to see the Administrator's edit before the confrontation? If yes, how long before?
Nope, the Administrator gets to be super sneaky about it!

Also, when you say Original Series, you really mean no patch at all?   :'(

In the Original Series, SoG and SoD were only available upgraded, does that mean they can't be used by Vets even in an unupped version?
Yes, and yes!

NO UPGRADES?  :'( :'( :'(
The only card that can be upgraded is Vampire.

I'm not italian (http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_super/1/18175/2256360-dansgame.png)
Nonsense! You're a known Italian conspirator. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/multilingual/italiani!-50395/)
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: tereret on April 01, 2016, 02:33:15 pm
card creator
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Sera on April 01, 2016, 02:45:26 pm
Since I'm an admin of a discord chat somewhere, I was given permission to be Administrator too. No card design shenanigans for you, Fippe.

Until I am able to edit the rules, I will try to rebuild grabbow using only Aether and Entropy.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: CleanOnion on April 01, 2016, 04:19:10 pm
(http://puu.sh/o2hBp/f9f9885223.png) you
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: mrpaper on April 04, 2016, 03:29:39 pm
I'll sign up as a vet.

Also, just to get it right, admin can change the rule but the rule has to be they can use 2 elements (whichever they want).  It can't be like, admin gets to use 30 ups and need only 1 victory out of 10 to win the match....
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 04, 2016, 03:42:40 pm
I'll sign up as a vet.

Also, just to get it right, admin can change the rule but the rule has to be they can use 2 elements (whichever they want).  It can't be like, admin gets to use 30 ups and need only 1 victory out of 10 to win the match....
Well, sort of. The number of upgrades and number of games needed to win the match are fixed and cannot change, because they are outside of the rules section for the admin. Admins are free to edit the post to allow them to use all twelve Elements - but then, one of the Admins can reverse the edit during the middle of the match to cause the original Admin to be disqualified for having an illegal deck.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Arum on April 04, 2016, 05:12:17 pm
I unfortunately have to withdraw from the event; my school has a camping trip next week, Monday to Thursday of the following week, and it will occupy almost all of my time. I will have no access to internet there, nor a laptop which I can play with, and Elements/Cygnia does not work on mobile.

We're doing a safari in Costa Rica, so I'm rather excited. Again, I am sorry that I have to withdraw.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: tereret on April 04, 2016, 07:00:38 pm
 :-\Again... I can't attend
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: tereret on April 04, 2016, 07:23:03 pm
- The winner of the event is awarded an award icon. The second place player is not awarded anything. The third place player is awarded a staff title of their choice.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Solaris on April 04, 2016, 07:24:59 pm
- The winner of the event is awarded an award icon. The second place player is not awarded anything. The third place player is awarded a staff title of their choice.
Why not?

Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Espithel on April 04, 2016, 07:26:38 pm
- The winner of the event is awarded an award icon. The second place player is not awarded anything. The third place player is awarded a staff title of their choice.
Why not?


Why so?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Manuel on April 04, 2016, 07:39:07 pm
- The winner of the event is awarded an award icon. The second place player is not awarded anything. The third place player is awarded a staff title of their choice.
Why not?


Why so?

Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: mrpaper on April 04, 2016, 07:47:57 pm
I'll sign up as a vet.

Also, just to get it right, admin can change the rule but the rule has to be they can use 2 elements (whichever they want).  It can't be like, admin gets to use 30 ups and need only 1 victory out of 10 to win the match....
Well, sort of. The number of upgrades and number of games needed to win the match are fixed and cannot change, because they are outside of the rules section for the admin. Admins are free to edit the post to allow them to use all twelve Elements - but then, one of the Admins can reverse the edit during the middle of the match to cause the original Admin to be disqualified for having an illegal deck.

Uh? So as long as there is another admin online when I play I risk a forfeit win if admin is evil?   
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Solaris on April 04, 2016, 07:48:48 pm
I'll sign up as a vet.

Also, just to get it right, admin can change the rule but the rule has to be they can use 2 elements (whichever they want).  It can't be like, admin gets to use 30 ups and need only 1 victory out of 10 to win the match....
Well, sort of. The number of upgrades and number of games needed to win the match are fixed and cannot change, because they are outside of the rules section for the admin. Admins are free to edit the post to allow them to use all twelve Elements - but then, one of the Admins can reverse the edit during the middle of the match to cause the original Admin to be disqualified for having an illegal deck.

Uh? So as long as there is another admin online when I play I risk a forfeit win if admin is evil?
Only if you're an Admin as well.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: inthisroom on April 05, 2016, 12:54:13 am
Don't start before April 20th.

Cuz I wouldn't be there, and I'm oh-so-important that any event should be postponed just for me..

...or something...
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: ProBacon on April 05, 2016, 01:05:57 am
If I may...

BL Player
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Vineroz on April 06, 2016, 04:35:50 am
Root seems like fun, so I will let Root choose which type of forum goer I am
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 06, 2016, 04:37:03 am
Root seems like fun, so I will let Root choose which type of forum goer I am
Yikes, this is kinda awkward - you don't actually fit any of the categories. I can't let you into the event until you do. Consider learning Italian ASAP.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Vineroz on April 06, 2016, 04:41:14 am
Root seems like fun, so I will let Root choose which type of forum goer I am
Yikes, this is kinda awkward - you don't actually fit any of the categories. I can't let you into the event until you do. Consider learning Italian ASAP.
In this case I will give you a hint then...

across 5 accounts, but still
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: kirbylover314 on April 06, 2016, 04:43:34 am
Root seems like fun, so I will let Root choose which type of forum goer I am
Yikes, this is kinda awkward - you don't actually fit any of the categories. I can't let you into the event until you do. Consider learning Italian ASAP.
In this case I will give you a hint then...

across 5 accounts, but still
So newb?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 06, 2016, 04:44:14 am
In this case I will give you a hint then...

across 5 accounts, but still
Sorry, I don't know how to read spoilers. You have been permanently banned from the event.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Linkcat on April 07, 2016, 04:48:53 am
Does anyone even like Root? Seriously, what a scumbag.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: inthisroom on April 07, 2016, 10:27:48 am
Does anyone even like Root? Seriously, what a scumbag.

Who the hell is Root?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: ProBacon on April 07, 2016, 11:57:59 am
Does anyone even like Root? Seriously, what a scumbag.

Who the hell is Root?

Root? What kind of stupid name is Root? Is he a plant fanatic? Does he like root words? Is he into perfect squares?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Arum on April 07, 2016, 02:10:56 pm
Does anyone even like Root? Seriously, what a scumbag.


RootRanger on the other hand... nah, he's worse.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: treebeard xiii on April 07, 2016, 04:59:04 pm
You know what I gotta give this a go and I'm going to be the odd guy who uses only nymphs count me in as a nymphomaniac.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: rob77dp on April 07, 2016, 05:26:19 pm
Does anyone even like Root? Seriously, what a scumbag.


RootRanger on the other hand... nah, he's worse.

Hmm, but what about RobotRager?  ?_?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: blrawen on April 07, 2016, 06:28:10 pm
In, obviously newb and sorry for the "late" sign up
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: vagman13 on April 08, 2016, 10:40:42 am
sign me up as a veteran,nymphomaniac,italian-neighbour  :P
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Solaris on April 12, 2016, 06:49:43 pm
So when will this start? kappa
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: iancudorinmarian on April 12, 2016, 07:31:19 pm
So when will this start? kappa
I have this timer from Root.

6975 years 9 months 21 days 19 hours 29 minutes remaining.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on April 12, 2016, 07:51:27 pm
damn, i was planning to leave the forums in 6200 years. just missed out. Withdrawing application
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: iancudorinmarian on April 12, 2016, 07:57:19 pm
damn, i was planning to leave the forums in 6200 years. just missed out. Withdrawing application
There is no escape. You WILL play in the event.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: RootRanger on April 13, 2016, 02:20:41 am
So, it’s probably about time to announce what most people (but not quite everyone) already knew: this entire event was most certainly an April Fool’s joke. I wouldn’t dream of running it because the rules are completely absurd.

I do plan on still hosting new events in the future, however. The ideas are already in the works. In the meantime, you can sign up for Team PvP (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/three-man-team-pvp/three-man-team-pvp-7-rules/) if you want to join an event.

Now, to go over the numerous instances that should have raised suspicion as to why this event was not a serious one…

- The acronym for the event is FUC(K). That was not accidental.
- Card Designers could potentially design their own card to be used in the event, no matter how imbalanced or overcomplicated, and force poor Fippe to code it into Cygnia, just so it can be used in one match.
- Veterans are allowed help from retired forum members.
- Administrators can edit their deckbuilding rules to give themselves essentially no restrictions whatsoever.
- Basically everything about the “Italian” role - how they’re considered a separate type of forumer, how they’re a “secret cult,” how their entire language is horribly misrepresented as a “cryptic code,” and how their deckbuilding rules are written in Italian. This was by far my favorite role to write. It is true, however, that Zanzarino is Italian - that was my inspiration (the original idea was some sort of Cult of Zanzarino).
- The fact that Nymphomaniacs are an entire type of forumer, plus the fact that they use “immoral or illegal means” to get “Nymphs.” All innuendos were intended here.
- There’s no prize at all for second place, but third place gets a staff title of their choice.
- Lastly, the fact that players were arbitrarily prohibited from signing up for certain factions, based solely on my personal opinions of them.

Apologies to those who thought this was an actual event, but a little attentiveness could have easily dispelled that idea. I’ll see ya’ll for my next event. I’m thinking about either a Star Wars or Game of Thrones theme.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Manuel on April 13, 2016, 02:45:00 am
i belevied that was a true event until this happened

Hello, I'm a bloody diva and I will only be playing on regular EtG.
I guess I'd qualify as Nymphomaniac (53 Nymphs), Italian (Latin based languages ftw, been there often, parlo, capisco), Veteran (been here a bit), and, of course, eternal Newb (wuts teh best Elimint?).
Very well then - but you'll have to use all 4 restrictions! It may be difficult to make a legal deck, but you're smart enough to figure it out.

also the thread in general discussion was suspicious
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: CleanOnion on April 13, 2016, 07:05:47 am
Uhhhh, Root.... I'm not seeing your name on the player list so I'm going to have to assume you're joking. I mean your name is at the top of the OP but we've already established that's an April Fools. As such, to make your matches you have no time remaining


Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: iancudorinmarian on April 13, 2016, 07:10:55 am
Someone translate the italian for me xD

Would be fun if we actually did this btw, even if there will be no prizes and the event is totally unbalanced :P
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Ginyu on April 13, 2016, 09:22:41 am
Someone translate the italian for me xD

Would be fun if we actually did this btw, even if there will be no prizes and the event is totally unbalanced :P

If I got it right, the only elements allowed for Italians are  :life :light :fire (colours of the Italien flag). Correct me, if I am wrong.
However, Spike's quote would interest me, too. ^^ Although it is likely nothing special.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Linkcat on April 14, 2016, 04:59:01 am
Linkcat 3 - rob77dp 0

Game 1 vs. Mono Entropy
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4t4 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 590 591 591 591 591 591 5rk 5rk 5rk 8ps

Lost coin toss, rob got a turn 2 Discord. I then noticed he was using pends so we restarted with the same decks.

Won coin toss, decent start. Rob opened a lot of quanta and never drew Discord. Held off Maxwell's with a couple RTs. Won with ~35? HP.

Game 2 vs. Speed Poison
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 52q 55q 55q 590 590 590 590 590 5c1 5c1 5f6 5f6 5if 5og 5og 61q 61q 8pm

Won coin toss, started with both Fogs and little damage. Rob opened triple Poison, but no Arsenic. Momentums helped against Bone Wall, won by a turn with Deflag.

Game 3 vs. Mono Darkness
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 52q 55q 55q 590 590 590 590 590 5c1 5c1 5f6 5f6 5if 5og 5og 61q 61q 8pm

Won coin toss again. Turn 1 Arsenic and Lycan. Drew no other quanta, so Devourers locked me out and Drain Lifes left me with a single Graboid that I couldn't evolve. Steal came 1 turn too late, barely won with poison damage.

GGs rob, always a pleasure!
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: rob77dp on April 14, 2016, 07:08:13 am
Veteran: rob77dp 0 - Veteran: Linkcat 3

Game 1a: Replay -- oops, no Pendulums until much later than 1.14!
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vd 4vd 4vd 4ve 4ve 4ve 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 8pj

Game 1b: Loss -- it was as Lc described.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vd 4vd 4vd 4ve 4ve 4ve 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 8pj

I drew 6 opening hand quanta... whoop-tee-dooh!

Game 2: Loss -- as Lc described.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52r 52r 52r 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i7 5i7 5i7 8pp

BW is great against smashmouth rushing... I went 2nd and lost by half-turn. *le sigh*

Game 3: Loss -- Lc describes it accurately.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5uo 5up 5up 5up 5ur 5us 5us 5us 8pt

I couldn't catch up from going 2nd against double-Nova double creature + Arsenic.

Good games, well played, and thanks for the match Lc!  What a fun super serious very real event match. :D
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: inthisroom on April 14, 2016, 10:37:59 pm
So what category am I in? I can only play tomorrow and wanted an hour for deck building now.

This combination isn't possible for deck building, if I'm not put into a specific category quickly, I'll have to forfeit.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Linkcat on April 14, 2016, 10:56:19 pm
Putting all the restrictions together, these are the cards you are allowed to use. I'm sure you'll come up with something.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5bs 5c2 5c3 5c4 5c6 5f0 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f8 5f9 5l8 5lc 5ld 5lf 5lg 8pn
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: CleanOnion on April 14, 2016, 10:57:39 pm
Putting all the restrictions together, these are the cards you are allowed to use. I'm sure you'll come up with something.

5bs 5c2 5c3 5c4 5c6 5f0 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f8 5f9 5l8 5lc 5ld 5lf 5lg 8pn
Oh come on itr, even I could manage that.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: inthisroom on April 14, 2016, 11:01:34 pm

kinkykitten624 3 - 0 inthisroom

Ggs  ;D
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Manuel on April 14, 2016, 11:34:38 pm
so lucky, i got a bye
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Lunaris on April 15, 2016, 02:34:15 am
so lucky, i got a bye
You're set up for a match against Smokey1110..?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Solaris on April 15, 2016, 02:38:27 am
so lucky, i got a bye
You're set up for a match against Smokey1110..?
That clearly says Smokey110, who does not exist.  :P
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Manuel on April 15, 2016, 02:39:34 am
so lucky, i got a bye
You're set up for a match against Smokey1110..?

yes but is profile doesn't exist, it was supposed to be a fake profile of someone?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: CleanOnion on April 15, 2016, 06:29:15 am
Well I'm sorry but I just clicked the link and it worked. Maybe you're not clicking it right. Make sure your mouse is well fed or possibly get a new one.

On an unrelated note, I just added an extra number to the link and it turned grey. That's probably bad; I'm assuming poor circulation
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: iancudorinmarian on April 15, 2016, 10:21:38 am
I'm not a real Italian, I forfeit :P
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Manuel on April 15, 2016, 02:45:10 pm
i hate u, dirtyonion  :'(

contacted the guy
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Timdood3 on April 16, 2016, 07:06:26 pm
Timdood3: 3
Discord: 2

When Discord makes us disconnect by playing a Fate Egg deck D:

Will post decks later....But I mean...My decks were prebuilt anyway...
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Fippe94 on April 16, 2016, 07:18:58 pm
There seems to be some bug in the forum software. I have not yet recieved the Admin powers I need to participate in this event. If this isn't fixed soon I'm afraid I have to forfeit.
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: CleanOnion on April 16, 2016, 07:39:16 pm
There seems to be some bug in the forum software. I have not yet recieved the Admin powers I need to participate in this event. If this isn't fixed soon I'm afraid I have to forfeit.
You're an admin, can't you fix it?
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Aves on April 16, 2016, 11:53:07 pm
There seems to be some bug in the forum software. I have not yet recieved the Admin powers I need to participate in this event. If this isn't fixed soon I'm afraid I have to forfeit.
I make no statement! I deny everything! You have no proof!

 ;) I graciously accept this admittance of defeat in the face of facing magnificent, magical me.

Now...where are you...
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Fippe94 on April 17, 2016, 01:29:26 pm
So I fixed the rules, but I am still experiencing a minor bug...
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Manuel on April 17, 2016, 01:52:26 pm
If your forum display name is Fippe94 you have no restrictions

c'mon, u can do something better than this
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Fippe94 on April 17, 2016, 01:59:17 pm
Well as I said, I am still experiencing a minor forum bug that makes me unable to use that rule anyay... 
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Vineroz on April 18, 2016, 02:26:13 am
Well as I said, I am still experiencing a minor forum bug that makes me unable to use that rule anyay... 

Now this is some serious sorcery going on :o
Title: Re: New PvP Event - Forum Under Crisis (Kinda)
Post by: Aves on April 18, 2016, 04:06:36 pm

I claim victory immorally!  :D
blarg: joebob555,Timdood3,Arum,RootRanger,antiaverage,SpikeSpiegel,hainkarga,rob77dp,iancudorinmarian,Discord,godisnowonline,MeowMeowCat,Manuel,JonathanCrazyJ,CleanOnion,Zawadx,Puff,Aves,Linkcat,kinkykitten624,qwerter,ddevans96,Physsion,Smokey110,inthisroom,kirbylover314,Afdarenty,Fippe94,tereret,mrpaper,DoubleCapitals,Smokey1110