but monoaether is OP 
And a lovely excuse to do any of the followings:
* Blaming your opponent's OPness instead of your lack of effort for losing (e.g. "I am not noob for playing a completely ineffective deck, it is just that Aether is OP").
* Auto-quitting any games against your OP opponent; games in which you had a fair chance if you put effort (e.g. "I have this awesome rainbow deck, but Aether is OP, I won't have a chance, I auto-quit").
* Causing urge to join that OP element instead of supporting the "weaker" ones (e.g. "I want to join the super awesome team Aether this War because it is so OP; please, I don't want to be picked by those other weak elements...")
* Causing hate against the OP element; I am such an example.
Vets have a greater responsibility for the above syndrome, because they prefer to harvest the benefits of already expoiled strategies instead of exploring new areas and comboes and mindgating, thus creating even a greater gap between the strong elements and the weak ones. That's my 2
