By the way, life rushes are damn popular too nowadays..
Rush decks are better at playing most AI. (people still prefer faster decks, like RoL/Hope or CCYB, against FG's) That is why you can see a lot of T50 plyers using it.
However, during PvP, I personally think stall decks work much better. There was a topic a while back that argued that stall decks had huge card advantages, and if played correctly, stall decks would be overpowered compared to rush decks. Of course, he didn't factor in the fact that fast decks are better at grinding, but still.
might be I haven't noticed those random life rushes in between, as their lack of creature/ permanent control usually made me smile softly.
gonna have to search the forum a little bit for that "stall decks work fine" thread you mentioned!

thanks for the tip
I personally have tried to build a stall'em / anti-rusher-deck during the better part of last week; using


plus some quantum towers. Otyughs for relatively early and reliable creature control to dam the constant flow of whatever gets spammed towards you, and phase shields (+ shards) to make up for the times in between or before, plus some mindgates to finally finish off the opponent with multiple times his creatures.
works fine, actually, and more often than not I win with elemental mastery, though it obviously is not a fast deck (which probably is its biggest downside, if you're up to farming fast gold - though I'd rather win a long interesting match than lose 1x and win 1x quickly in the same time). still, I was wondering if with the present majority of players using rush decks, there were some rarely used, but funny ways of making those fire / rainbowrush players bite their desks ..

edit: uploaded screenshot of my deck

(hope it worked ^^)