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Re: Malignant Cell card in deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=20933.msg457982#msg457982
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2012, 09:26:47 pm »
oke oke oke oke  :o :o :o :P :P :P :)) :)) :)) :)) Woot i didn,t know i was so hot on this TOPIC... guys guys guys  :D :D im going to be honest now that malignant cell card on my deck is haxxt or hack or cheat watever... if you want to know how i do it well.... i know more then that. i know every thing CODES that all about and good progrom if you all know what i mean... may be some ather guys like me know also how to hack so not only me know to do that.... so i mite be a hacker but at less you all have fun too know it en it can be exist thats why i let you all know it  8) and sorry for my english its very bad  and i know it  :-X :-X     

name: myelements you KNOW IT

 chill out  8) 8) :P

Awesome!.... The guy can crack a code but cannot download a free spell check!

