I like your idea ratchet. I wish instead of everyone wanting to nerf the better cards, they would look into buffing more of the weak cards.
The problem with this is its practical application. I have played long enough to see creatures go through many different forms. After the Sundial nerf, a trend has gradually emerged showing a continuous
buffing of creatures to try to balance them with the more powerful cards. Even now, zanz is in the process of buffing cards that most argue don't need a buff (i.e. Pufferfish). The playing field is fairly balanced in terms of which creatures are good and which aren't. The problem lies in this glaring fact:
there will be more cards later. With more cards comes the realization that some cards will be passed up for the other option because they are better for that particular deck's strategy. If this particular strategy becomes massively popular (i.e. RoL/Hope), other decks will, by extension, become less popular. If the current trend of buffing cards to promote balance continues, the balance on the
macro level will come unglued, as 100 HP will become easier and easier to deplete.
My proposal is that zanz needs to find some formula to determine the power level of cards on their own and within their own element, and try to find and maintain the best level for those cards and elements through nerfing and buffing.