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Lost Account https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63452.msg1249730#msg1249730
« on: October 24, 2016, 10:17:04 pm »
 :rainbow :underworld :aether :darkness :time :air :light :water :fire :life :earth :gravity :death :entropy :chroma :gravity
Hey, I'm a player of Elements and played 3-5 years ago (can't remember exactly) and I remembered of Elements because looking at eyes because of drawing and coming across an eye that had a leaf around i and that reminded me of the life element. I was struggling to remember the name but ended up remembering in the end and went to www[dot]elementsthegame[dot]com to play and realised I had forgotten my username and password (seeing as I last played 3-5 years ago) and have no way of getting the account back, not even the username which is a problem seeing as even though I wasn't that skilled, I enjoyed the game a lot and had quite a few upgraded cards especially in gravity (if I recall correctly) and played with my younger brother and my dad on a daily basis. None of us had gotten an account on the forums, in fact I made this account for the reason of this post, meaning that we can't use any "forgotten password" functions to get an e-mail for password recovery. If you could help in anyway shape or form I'd be very grateful of all that did help.

~Thanks, Cazoosh
:gravity  :chroma :entropy :death :gravity :earth :life :fire :water :light :air :time :darkness :aether :underworld :rainbow
:gravity Hi :earth

Offline asdw152

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Re: Lost Account https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63452.msg1249731#msg1249731
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2016, 10:26:31 pm »
Hard to break it to you, but the dev has been gone for years. Odds are, you aren't getting your account back. Don't forget to make an introductory post for yourself, if you plan on staying on the forums.


Best of luck
Unstable Gas Can't Melt Steel Golems.
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War #12 War Master

