I just managed to somehow survive one of my more stupid mistakes. i have made plenty of simple miss click mistakes before but i think this took me to a whole new level.
I had just spun the oracle and found the next false god i was going to face was miracle. against miracle i like to use a slightly adapted deck from one i found on these forums using nymph tears to to get a wind and an amethyst nymph. meanwhile stalling using phase shields and sundials until i manage to kill him.
Since this is not my regular deck i had to recreate it, but i was slightly distracted by someone while making the deck and when i started playing i soon realised i had managed to instead of using phase shields included phase dragons. with luck i quickly had a amethyst nymph out and managed to survive for a while, even do well! But my stupidity didn't end there
I was doing so well i noticed he had only 68 health and i had 3 unstable gases plus a few dragons, an easy kill. so i set off 2 unstable gases but it was only at this time i noticed i had no nymphs left, and he had not lost health due to a pesky jade shield!
But as i said i did manage to survive somehow! i had enough of his creatures with antimatter still left on the field he only did 4 points of damage to me by the end of his turn and i managed to deck him out with 7 health to spare.