actually it is possible to deal 946 damage on the first turn. I did this about three days ago but didn't want to bother others with it, but know that the topic already exists, here is my method to read 946 attack:
Probably going to calculate the chance (with the example of glitch to make it easier), because i just LOVE spending hours on such things XD. However the next 2 weeks I have to study, this will have to wait till then.
person 2 wins cointoss.
receives the following cards:
3 quantum towers
1 spark
1 unupped pandemonium
1 improved mutation
1 chaos power
plays quantum towers, gets
7 entropy quanta
2 random quanta
plays spark
plays improved mutation, gets
a 16 attack crimson dragon
plays chaos power, gets
a 21 attack crimson dragon
plays pandemonium, gets TU effect, has
a 21 attack crimson dragon
a 25 attack crimson dragon
ends turn, deals 50 damage and receives 9 random quanta
person 1 receives following cards:
4 quantum towers
4 unupped pandemoniums
plays quantum towers, gets
12 entropy quanta
plays pandemonium, gets TU effect 2 times, has
a 25
a 29
plays pandemonium, gets TU effect 4 times, has
2 25
3 29
1 33
plays pandemonium, gets TU effect 8 times, has
3 25
6 29
4 33
1 37
plays pendemonium, gets TU effect 9 times (with the highest attack creatures), has
4 crimson dragons with 25 attack
10 crimson dragons with 29 attack
10 crimson dragons with 33 attack
5 crimson dragons with 37 attack
1 crimson dragons with 41 attack
ends turn, dealing 946 damage and receives 12 random quanta
First i thought it was 552 damage, but I didn't know that mutated creatures would always be unupped.
but that was also wrong because the twin of a mutated creature gains an extra 1-4 bonus.