Some factors:
- Damage:Quanta ratio is always something you can look at as a factor for rush index
- OldTrees's resilience study
- ratcharmer's stall study
So a frog would outclass the dragon in D:Q, but the dragon would win out in resilience.
Exactly my line of thinking, I'm trying to figure out a way to combine damage, speed and resiliency into 1 'smart' number for each card. I may be asking to much, and need several variables for each card, but we'll see what the more design oriented oriented folk have to say.
Ideally, I should select that 2-3 cards for a popular rush and desired QI and it come out exactly the same build (or close) to the accepted build.
I think each card should have
more than 1 number. And that different numbers should be combined differently to make a Rush or a Stall.
Also, the amount of cards could be decided by the program, but I recommend that you can input a min/max(6) to it, it may simplify things.
You deck helpers are awesome and whatnot, but I feel this is a little over the top. A program capable of building good decks? What would be next, one capable of playing them optimally? When humans are not needed anymore, what is the point for them to even exist play?
Well, I don't think our understanding of the game/complex maths can be enough for that to happen after every update. This would be just a program capable of building a skeleton for a deck, or a mediocre/mid-range deck. I guess it would turn into another deckbuilding tool,
and nothing else woops, as OT said, balance can be an use too.
As I see it, there are lots of index's going around and just starting to grow, and I think this should wait until some of them are ready-ish to be effective.