You guys are pretty rich, lol.
I have 159 upgraded cards for now. Far from completing my upgraded collection. In fact, most of these I won from FG. I also have 112k in gold, but wont spend upgrading cards I dont need yet

For unupgraded, I have like 1840 cards. This is due to my gigantic rare collection (many T50 games, lol), with 61 unupgraded SoGs, 43 Pulverizer, 43 Trident, 39 Eternity, 43 Miracle, 40 Lobotomizer, etc. In case zanz allow us to sell cards for other players (I hope we will be able to do that in the future), I will possibly get a fair ammount of gold

Or maybe I will sell them when Im near to complete the collection... some years from now, by the way