I am just upset i never recieved a Nymph in 2,5 months (spinning day by day)
So i will start to post 1 month (or until i get my nymph) what cards i receive from oracle, if in this term i will not receive a nymph i will stop playing this game

So 11 July is my term

PS. For all the bad mouths from here :
It's not a threatening, it's just a statement.
I see people Started to bet on when i will receive a nymph (ofc if i'll receive.... )
So i Announce a contest, the one who will guess will receive from me a code for redeeming electronum.(between 2k and 5k)
I accept only 1 person per variant, so you can choose on which date to bet only from list with remaining dates(wich you can find below).
Here are the bets :
ScaredGirl : day 26
guy_fawkes : day 30, but the broswer will crash right before he could press the "Get the card" button
sSethia : day 18
Ant-n-ero : day 12
finkel : day 16
Gl1tch : day 31 (automatic loose, cos i am seriously about quitting the game like i said, still you can change our bet)
miniwally : day 7
Fixari : day 23
JoshK : i will not get one
Nume : day 14
Euphoria : day 11
Arondight: day 18 (but you must change your bet, cos i accept only 1 person per date)
implosion : day 8
WakSkylicker : day 19
girlsgeneration : day 20
zac333 : day 4
Days on which you can bet : 5,6,9,10,13,15,17,21,22,24,25,27,28,29List of my Spinnings :
Day 1 : June 12: No card
29 more chances
Day 2 : June 13 : no card
28 chances left
Day 3 : 14 June :
Spun at Earth : Image of Shrieker.
Pet : Gnome Rider
Card: No card
27 Chances left
Day 4:
zac333 is the Winner!!!