I'm sure something like this might have been done before, so apologies if it has.
Most of us have probably been there; one decisive move left until victory was surely ours. But something terrible happens, a slight overlook, slight miscalculation of one small thing that brings your victory crashing down. And you lose. You're left questioning how such an error could happen - how you could make such a foolish mistake. Let us take a moment to reflect on those moments in Elements where we were close to turning the game around in our favour or we were close to beating our opponent - be it AI or player yet we failed miserably. Here are some of my frustrating moments.
-Playing in the platinum arena against a mono Dark using a RoL, Hope, SoP strategy. I was low on HP and I had enough

to Fractal a RoL. This would boost my Hope shield enough to protect me from the next attack. Yet, my Oracle card was a Photon, and since it was the closest creature to my hand it was the one I casted Fractal on. You probably know how it ends.
-Or when I had strong enough RoLs to defeat my opponent in one fell swoop. But I played a SoP for some unknown reason meaning I couldn't destroy it and win. I lost the battle because the AI chained Phase Shields from that point forward and beat me with Aether shenanigans.
-Or when I execute the Firecell/Limitless Speed False God OTK when I'm missing a card for the combo or when I'm short on quanta and have no cards left in my deck.
-Or when the game lagged when I activated my Pulverizer, causing me to double click and subsequently pulverize my own Pulverizer.
Don't necessarily limit it to in-game mistakes. Sold a Nymph? Mourn about it here. Upgraded a Relic? I can't relate but... it's okay.
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At this point, I don't even know what to say.