I'm curious, because I'm planning this java application (applet if I can figure it out >_>) that will allow you to imput a deck's code and get some advice on it.
But in order to do that my program needs to recognize the card, so can someone help out so I don't have to write "If code == 4uf then card = whatever" for every single card?
*Okay, now this is about my proposed project. Do you guys think it's worth it?*
This will probably take me a long time anyway before it gets any semblance of working order, since it's hard to code something that requires lots of decisions get as precise as possible. Relatively simple things I'm considering for beta:
-Quanta you generate
-Deck size (hourglasses factored in)
And eventually...
-Figure out what the deck's goal is...
-Deck out... 60 cards or Eternity + cheap creature & time quanta?
-Otherwise, damage versus control (I'm thinking a ratio)
-Suggesting changes based on cards in a deck (if a deck has epinephrines, calculate if any creatures can get 3 or 7 attack based on cards in deck)
-Basically, making it really complex
Update: I'm going ahead with the project, and have realized that I need to do each card separately anyway >_<. So it may take awhile; bear with me.
UPDATE*Note: This is entirely optional; I won't hate you if you don't and your benefit from doing this will be rather small. It would be nice though

*Note: If you have a question, ask. Don't make an assumption. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it will make debugging a whole lot less messier*
I haven't had much time to work on my project (the deck feedback generator), but the betas mostly done except for an essential part:
Connecting a card's code to the card.
So I'm asking you guys to do your element's code for me. (Note: Aether is done). It's pretty easy, but it may take an hour or so. If you do it, I'll mention your name on the program and give ya serm karma

. If you don't, I'll end up doing it myself, but it'll take awhile.
How to do it:
1) Open up the trainer
2) Get 1 upped and 1 unupped of every card of your element. Make a deck.
3) Get the deck code.
4) Start writing (use a text document...). How to write the code...
---------a) Write "else if (code.equals("
---------b) Write the code itself in "..."s
---------c) Close both parentheses. So far: if (code.equals("f5h"))
---------d) Write "cards[c] = new Card("namehere","type",cost,"element",attack,defense,"ability",abilitycost,"abilityelement","passiveability"
---------e) Here it gets tricky. If the card is purely for attacking or increasing attack (a morning glory, a dragon, adrenaline, blessing) add on a ,true); and if it is for defense or control add on a ,false); (like miracle, lightning, heal, emphatic bond, liquid shadow). If it could be used both ways, just add ); (like immolation, pillars, fire bolt, rage elixir).
---------e) Repeat for all cards, upped and unupped.
5) Copy-pasta here for me!
Examples of some odd cards:
else if (card.equals("xxx")) cards[c] = new Card("brimstoneeater","creature",1,"fire",2,1,"generate",0,"fire","none",true);
This one is odd since it has a skill mostly only pillars have - "generate". Though it's actually a passive ability, here it must be made into an active ability with 0 cost and an element "fire" to show that it generates FIRE quantum. Do this with creatures like Ray of Light, Damselfly, etc. Since it is for attacking only (generates some quantum too but that's neutral), it gets true added on to it.
else if (card.equals("xxx")) cards[c] = new Card("lightning","spell",2,"aether",0,0,"lightning",0,"none","none",false);
As you can see, spells permanents and shields just get ,0,0 for attack and defense, and the ability cost for spells is 0 since it is paid for by the card cost. It gets false because it is almost always used for control.
else if (card.equals("xxx")) cards[c] = new Card("animateweapon","spell",1,"other",0,0,"animate",0,"none","none");
It is an other element since it costs other quantum, and since it can be used for speed (glories) or control (pulvies), it gets neither true nor false.
else if (card.equals("xxx")) cards[c] = new Card("pest","creature",2,"dark",0,4,"burrow",1,"earth","suck",false);
This is just a card that has everything so you can check it out. False because pest steals quantum and really has no other use other than generating quantum (something neutral).
-This is purely quantitative, so cards that cost neutral quantum (ie animate weapon) are an element of other, not air.
-Names have no spaces and no capital letters
-Types of cards are permanent, creature, weapon, shield, and spell.
-Weapons get their flying weapon stats in the attack/defense slot.
-Don't forget ; at the end of each card!
-Don't change name for cards that are the same name upped and unupped (ie bonewall and bonewall).
List of Abilities:none
Shields1block, 2block, 3block, bones, dissupped, diss, dusk, fireshield, fog, hope, permafrost, phase, procrastination, reflect, thorn
Other(listed in order of element)
fractal, lightning, lobotomize, immortalize, PU
snipe, dive, generate, generate+1, ignite, unstable, animate, thunderstorm, lightbio, firebio, queen, queenelite
steal, vampire, eclipse, nightfall, siphon, shadow, suck
aflatoxin, plague, 2poison, 3poison, poison, scavenger, boneyard, infect, graveyard, venom
evolve, stoneskin, PA, 3armor, 6armor, burrow, quicksand, petrify
antimatter, mutate, impmutate, nova, snova, lycan, seed, power, butterfly, scramble
rebirth, growth, ablaze, rage, berserk, fahrenheit, firelance, immolation, cremation, firestorm, destroy
momentum, gpull, blackhole, devour
20heal, photosynthesis, bond, adrenaline
10heal, heal, bless, miracle, luciferin
hasten, precognition, fate, dejavu, rewind
purify, freeze, icelance, tears, flood
gavel, 20max, 5heal, 3generate
If you have any questions which ability is which, just ask. But use THESE EXACT LETTERS!