What deck did you purchase, out of interest? The irritating thing about gold, plat, and FGs are that you need specific decks in order to grind them effectively, although it's a lot more lenient in gold.
The two deck choices generally considered to be valid for gold/plat grinding are Pdials and Swallow. With FGs, you have some other decks such as voodoo bravery, and with gold, you can bring an assortment of decks provided they're extremely well constructed and partial stalls.
To counteract AI stupidity, harder AIs have artificially inflated stats. This makes facing them with decks that aren't at least partial stalls difficult. With FGs and Plat, it's practically impossible, but there has been some success with gold rushes such as chaos wyrms and SoBra monoair.
TL;DR welcome to the grindtown I hope you can survive it