Dependent vs. independent is only half the question. Do you already know the quanta are picked from a set, not a bag? (You seem to be assuming that you have the same chance of losing two life quanta as two fire quanta, if you have at least two of each.)
I haven't heard anything definitive about how random quanta work, but I always assumed it was independent, bag for consumption, and set for production -- that if you have 4 life and 2 fire, you have a 2/5 chance of losing 2 life, a 1/15 chance of losing 2 fire, and an 8/15 chance of losing 1 of each; and regardless of what quanta you already have, each of your quantum pillars has a 1/1,728 chance of producing 3 life, a 1/576 chance of producing 2 life and 1 fire, and a 1/288 chance of producing 1 life, 1 fire, and 1 time (and likewise for each of the 11 other elements, 132 ordered pairs of elements, and 220 unordered triples).