After playing for about two months I notice that the progress speed in different areas is strangely misaligned. I wonder if there is a reason for that and if anybody agrees.
The differences speed levels I mean are:
Electrum: slow
With my 1300 games I have earned perhaps 150K, this is two upped decks and several stray cards. Playing mainly bronze and silver is surely the mistake here, but excessive FG grinding gets boring really fast. Is there any reason, why this game is so grindy? Just 1000 oder even 500 for an upgrade would have sufficed as well. Well, I guess I will build one of these standard-grinders everybody uses with my next money...
Rares: Rather fast
Surprisingly, rares are not that rare. I already have 5+ of each type except shard of readiness and titan (always unlucky with those). Even getting 12 seems easier than getting the money to upgrade 6 of each. Its a bit sad, that getting another rare gets rather unspectacular quite fast.
Arena level: Really fast
Within the two months I have reached level 51, which places me in gold league. Sadly, I have nowhere the experience and the (upgraded!) cards to create good gold decks. Is there any possibility to stay in silver (with the upgrade points of level 40)? Even Lvl 60 is not that far away. In Platinum, I am definitely misplaced and my stock of mainly basic cards will be even more useless.
Nymphs: unbelievably slow
Had about 50 oracle spins so far, no nymph. This seems a bit unlucky, I found somewhere in the forum that the chance is about 1:31. No matter, the expected time to get one specific card is about one year. The time scale is years here. Is that some sort of mechanism to ensure, that any newcomers will never close up to the established players? This would be no problem, if these nymphs would be prestige-only weak cards. However, to my they seem to be the strongest ones after shards and few other crazy ones (dimshield etc). At least my experience is: If the enemy gets a nymph out and you cannot disable or kill it, you are wrecked. Best joke I have seen so far was a proposed FG counter deck with 6 purple nymphs. Luckily, most proposed decks use only two or three of one kind, thats only 2-3 years until you could try that, assuming that I get more lucky in future...