I took what he said and made it more readable for everyone ^^. Here's his post below, broken up:
I have a post from before that was misunderstood by council due to the name The shadow of those who came before. In said post, I stated that we should indeed have a section of the forum know as or named Hall of Fame.
The Hall of fame is a place to put members along with a link to their achievement or a quote to remember their greatness in the community. After the idea was shot down and I was told that there would be no real point to said idea I began a study to see what members thought of being famous. Now in part one, I said I would indeed call upon members who would be willing to post their thoughts on my s.s posts. Clean Onion, n SR. member said he would best like to be remembered for his time in the forums.
Now allow me to explain such a broad statement. If a member has 400 posts but they are all in literary arts with only one being outside of that in the newbie Zone that member would be inducted on the account of having offered the community wisdom, art, relaxation, love, happiness, and in times great conflict. Five members had voted for my power in battle. For induction for that, you would have to have a w/l ratio of 3.5 minimum and have made war general or master. 3 members voted for my work as admin. This I said applies to everyone and allow me to explain why this project is a hall of fame now if this was made its own category like off topic general discussions etc. I could then be inducted under this category for my help with the idea even though I have no ranking status and can not directly create the Hall myself so it applies to anyone who wants to help better the forums community with update ideas.
Now, it might seem unnecessary to add such a large update into the forums as Fippe94 told me recently we do have forums news and announcements but this could take such things even further and possibly add more activity to the chat and forums as people seek glory in their own ways. However, while we all might try to be meek or modest about our accomplishments the fact is some of us are just better than others at battle or talking someone through something they don't understand or even just creating newer decks.
In my S.S part 2, I asked members how they would like to be remembered for their greatness. Now 5 members including Hero ranked member Tribal TROUBLE [>.>] said they would rather not have a show made over their accomplishments, however, 12 members total said they would indeed prefer to be put under the spotlight including Card curator RootRanger, Legendary member Submachine, Legendary member Espithel, Full member Doctor C, and finally, League organizer Zyardran. Zyardran did want to be remembered but didn't find any options in my poll that she found she preferred and said I should add more options.
The hall of fame would be its own category and council would post polls to determine who was added and what they would be added for even older who no longer play but are great players or did much work in the community should be added. For example Clean onion has a farewell post where he said he wouldn't have the time to be able to continue his duties in the forum and suggested other people take over in his stead I think even though a member might not be active any longer they should be remembered for everything he/she did for us all either for active duties as staff or simply as a great player, amazing friend, and great person to just chat with. Then a quote from chat or forums that best described who he was and a list of accomplishments with a few highlighted posts from his time in the forums.
I myself am homeless and have a very hard time finding a way to post so my posts might jump around quite a bit but I would love feed back and will post more on the subject upon my return. Thank you for your time and consideration
- Ghvinge_nvda Darkness elemental since 2011.