So, like a long time ago I started using quanta as the plural form of quantum. Honestly, I can't remember if I picked it up from someone else or what, but it made sense to me. But I was wondering, why don't we use
electra as the plural form of electrum?
Quantum is a real word ( that changes the -um to -a to pluralize.
Electrum is also a real word (, but the dictionary doesn't show what the plural form is.
(Btw, I think zanz picked some very apt words for their functions.)
Also another grammar question I've been wondering, how to correctly "verbify" words like deflag, antimatter, quint, fractal, etc. Do you just use normal endings and say deflaged and deflaging or do you use apostrophes like deflag'd and deflag'ing or some mixture of both?
deflaged, deflaging
or deflag'd, deflag'ing
antimattered, antimattering
or antimatter'd, antimatter'ing
quinted, quinting
or quint'd, quint'ing
fractaled, fractaling
or fractal'd, fractal'ing