I know all veterans of this game want us, newbs, to have a hard time gathering all the upped cards. I know that. It's normal.
I know rares should stay rares. It's fine for me too.
But why the hell a special spin can fail? In two days I saw 3 special spins (gold & platinium) giving me nothing, and that, is pure frustration. I lost a few of them in bronze and silver, but I don't care as much as I care in gold platinium. I want upped rares. I deserved it. I'm spending my time farming this just for it.
You are proud of yourself, proud of your deck, you played well against good decks, you have a good feeling... Then, you spin and you got NOTHING. Nothing. Your upped rare? Not now. Eat that, you noob.
Can't it be done to give a rare at 100% at least in platinium?
Thanks for reading. It feels good to talk about it. 8)