You anticipated me xD anyway I find them great right now... we just have to find more and more awards for the growing community...
The Second Guy (2nd in 3 or more tournaments, a medal with 2 on it)
Deck Out! (Posts more than 20 original working decks, a small deck)
Don't you get tired? (Posts late in the night, a small moon)
Always there (posts more than 200 answers in a single day)
Resilient (can show the pic of a game vs AI he won with 1 hp, small shield icon)
Stroke of luck (can show the pic of a game vs AI he lost with the opponent having 1 hp, small skull icon)
Mutant Master (shows the pic of the strongest mutation he got with the "improved mutate" ability, a small dna icon)
Freezer (shows a pic with 20 or more creatures frozen at once, snowflake icon)
The Eternal Match (shows a pic with both him and his opponent using turtle shield and eternity, at 1 hp, clock icon)
God Watches me Over (shows the pic with the highest miracle'd HP, flash icon)
Crushed (wins against the AI with the opponent having no permanents, big hammer icon, different from the one you already posted)
Elemental Master. The true one. (wins against the AI having 100 hp, with the opponent controlling no creatures or permanents, a small golden card).
Of course all the "challenges" (win against the AI with, show a pic of) could be monthly challenges... (edit)
Soz if my achievements look a bit WoW like, it's the habit >_>
And of course the "vsAI" awards can only be won by playing with lvl3 or more AI.