^ You're right in what you say, dear Mathematistic, but veteran players should know the following:
1) If you spent countless hours in grinding for obtaining all the non-pillar cards at least 6 times in each version (upped, unupped) only to quit the game after completing your collection, then you should farm with a slower pace.
2) Even if you're a general who has all the cards 50 times, you can still participate at War, Trials, Weekly Tournies, Duels and all short of challenges. There are pretty of things to keep you active.
3) The reason AI4 doesn't change is in order to have randomness in this game and to satisfy a greater number of different personalities. So, we already have AI4 to satisfy these people.
Personally, I think that a newby will stay if he/she answer 'yes' to the following:
a) Are you a fan of Trading Card games?
b) Are you tired of the unfairness in rarity and balance of Yu-Gi-Oh and MTG?
c) Would you like to play a free TCG on the internet with less cards than Yu-Gi-Oh and MTG, but with more colors/elements and much more balance?
If yes, then Elements is the game of your dreams, even if it had much less activities than it already has.
If no, then you probably won't bother you too much, even if we put 10,000 new features.
The only things wew have to do IMO in order to keep players is to reduce the power of most of Shards (balancing) and to promote forum activities, like Weekly Tournaments, War, Trials, Duels (very underestimated, I am seriously thinking in participating there), card arts and ideas. Well, that's all...