Let me just preface this post by admitting I'm quite new to this game (Day 4 for me), so my lack of deep understanding of many of the behind-the-scenes workings should be taken into account.
I've also noticed a trend in AI behavior to disrupt my attempts at EM. Though it might just be a side effect of the electrum that I "lost" in my mind tainting my perception of events.
It would seem to me that the AI had.. "given up" and would begin stockpiling cards instead of playing whatever it could each turn. Then after as many as 4 turns of inactivity (and his last turn before death) the AI would suddenly spring forth with the stockpiled cards. As if in spite, a rather questionable play made at that last moment just to get some tiny amount of damage through.
Thinking back on it rationally now, I find it often came down to the key card that allowed the strike to succeed must have been the card just drawn.
Turn 11: Draw -- Turn 12: Draw -- Turn 13: Draw -- Turn 14: Draw > Play Otyugh > Play Momentum target Otyugh > Inflict 1 damage right before death.
Obviously I don't know exactly what happened, but here is a very likely scenario.
Turn 11: Draw Acceleration (No Creatures in play.)
Turn 12: Draw Momentum (Still nothing to cast it on.)
Turn 13: Draw Gravity Pull (I control no valid targets.)
Turn 14: Draw Otyugh (And steal a precious few electrum from this newbie.)
As far as the scenario the TC put forth, perhaps it was just a result of the relatively high casting cost of GotP?
Or somehow the AI went down it's priority checklist and GotP came out as the least valuable of his 8 cards? Despite the consequences?