played about 40-60 t50 games, making a list of the farmable guys, i'm using fire golem rush. but i've only gotten one rare, and it's not eternity(forgot what it was). should i continue?
[not worth the fight]
chemos - fire lances
peder123 - fractal phoenix
10men - life rush
ghy - antimatter rainbow
batcountry - air wings poison
alexe - life rush
willng3 - life rush
metachaos - aether fractal phoenix w/ bolt
wolfunit - life rush
[winnable but without eternity]
aricortez - farmable time rainbow
tata -farmable rainbow
drkorte - winnable RoL/hope
lukce - fractal pest
donot - winnable owl's eye/poseidon
bootza - aether winnable discord
tampon - aether winnable lobotomy
theoct - earth graboid rush, vamp dagger
kuross - death winnable arsenic
chinfire - entropy rainbow
wolfcz - life rainbow
antilord - rainbow pulveriser
[easily winnable with eternity]
sikaobi - slow rainbow with eternity
avenger - farm with eternity
jmk - slow rainbow with eternity
peterpanson - slow rainbow with eternity
[pure farm all rares no pillars]
zero00260 - death pure farm
this is at 24 november