
Offline Getawu2

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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2010, 04:46:33 pm »
Well, I had to play more than 6000 games until I got my first Trident - won it from the Oracle. :P So finally I'm only missing nymphs now  :)


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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2010, 05:16:55 pm »
I have to admire your perseverance. xD
I'm at 1247 games, and I'm privileged to have quite a few weapons.  ;D
3 discords, 6 arsenics, 2 titans, 4 pulvys, 3 staffs, 3 fahrenheits, 2 tridents, 6 mornings stars, 3 owl's eyes, 6 eternitys, 3 stilettos, and 3 lobos.


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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2010, 11:31:08 pm »
I have to admire your perseverance. xD
I'm at 1247 games, and I'm privileged to have quite a few weapons.  ;D
3 discords, 6 arsenics, 2 titans, 4 pulvys, 3 staffs, 3 fahrenheits, 2 tridents, 6 mornings stars, 3 owl's eyes, 6 eternitys, 3 stilettos, and 3 lobos.
<- currently has 2 discords, 1 titan, 1 pulvy, 1 fahrenheit, 1 owl's eye, 2 eternities, and a lobotomizer.
But, seriously, the more the better. I don't see why anybody would need more than 6- why would anybody use an unupped when they've got an upped? Except in the case of War... but most of us aren't in that.


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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2010, 10:02:45 pm »
I have to admire your perseverance. xD
I'm at 1247 games, and I'm privileged to have quite a few weapons.  ;D
3 discords, 6 arsenics, 2 titans, 4 pulvys, 3 staffs, 3 fahrenheits, 2 tridents, 6 mornings stars, 3 owl's eyes, 6 eternitys, 3 stilettos, and 3 lobos.
<- currently has 2 discords, 1 titan, 1 pulvy, 1 fahrenheit, 1 owl's eye, 2 eternities, and a lobotomizer.
But, seriously, the more the better. I don't see why anybody would need more than 6- why would anybody use an unupped when they've got an upped? Except in the case of War... but most of us aren't in that.
Sorry D=
but some people use them unupped because they can work just as well. Also, for wars, tournaments, etc.

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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2010, 04:42:45 am »
got 12 pulvi and less score than u :P :P


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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2010, 08:17:47 am »
7 Eternities
6 Vampire Stilettos
5 Druidic Staves
6 Lobotimizers
5 Owl's Eye
4 Titans
3 Morning Stars
0 Pulverisers
0 Arsenics

I have 0 of my favorite weapons :(
Why are you holding on to that extra Eternity?  I used to have about as many weapons as you do, but I sold them in order to upgrade my deck thinking if I got them once I could always get them again.  Now I wish I had not done that.
12 is the limit you should sell them (6 upgraded, 6 unupgraded)
Why would you want an unupped if you have an upped?  If you need an unupped for a tourney or something does it not just convert the upped to an unupped as PVP 1 does?

Now, a few cards I can understand wanting both, such as a firefly.  An upped firefly is not a better firefly, it's actually a completely different card with a whole new ability.  Eternity is not like that.

Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2010, 08:31:28 am »
i've played 2773 games and i have: 3 SoR, 4 discords, 5 arsenics, 4 titans, 1 amber nymph, 4 pulverizers, 3 druidic staffs, 4 fahrenheits, 6  arctic squids, 1 trident, 1 nymph queen, 1 morning star, 4 miracles, 4 owls eyes, 7 eternities, 5 pharaohs, 3 vimpire stilletos, 2 lobotemizers, 3 SoD, 6 SoG,


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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #31 on: July 07, 2010, 03:58:38 am »

Why would you want an unupped if you have an upped?  If you need an unupped for a tourney or something does it not just convert the upped to an unupped as PVP 1 does?  It doesn't.

Now, a few cards I can understand wanting both, such as a firefly.  An upped firefly is not a better firefly, it's actually a completely different card with a whole new ability.  Eternity is not like that.
And I spent a full minute staring at your name trying to figure out what was weird about it when I finally noticed it is Backward backward.


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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #32 on: July 08, 2010, 12:09:29 pm »
omg, i won 2 pulverizer in a single t50 match, and i sold them XD

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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2010, 02:55:54 pm »
After 800 games, Yes Eight Hundred, 800 games, I got 12 of each rare. Now to upgrade 6 of each.


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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2010, 04:13:08 pm »
I've sold several pulverizers over the course of playing this game in order to upgrade cards. I just recently started keeping extras of cards. I've played a little under 2K games.

I currently have 3 upped and 3 reg pulverize, 2 upped and 1 reg discord, 2 upped and 5 reg eternity, 2 upped arsenic, 5 reg lobotomizer, 3 reg vamp stilletto, 4 reg owl's eye, 2 reg morningstar, 6 reg farenheight, 1 reg druidic staff, 3 reg titan, 1 upped Poesidon.

I the the poesidon was the hardest to get, but I have been grinding top 50 looking for arsenics to make a flying arsenic deck and just can't find them.

I sometimes think it would be nice to be able to trade cards, but then I think that would totally ruin the game.


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Re: Finally, after 1738 games I get a Pulverizer. (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #35 on: July 08, 2010, 11:19:41 pm »

Why would you want an unupped if you have an upped?  If you need an unupped for a tourney or something does it not just convert the upped to an unupped as PVP 1 does?  It doesn't.

Now, a few cards I can understand wanting both, such as a firefly.  An upped firefly is not a better firefly, it's actually a completely different card with a whole new ability.  Eternity is not like that.
And I spent a full minute staring at your name trying to figure out what was weird about it when I finally noticed it is Backward backward.
Yeah, but I messed it up.  The k and c are still in the correct order.   :(

