7 Eternities6 Vampire Stilettos5 Druidic Staves6 Lobotimizers5 Owl's Eye4 Titans3 Morning Stars0 Pulverisers0 ArsenicsI have 0 of my favorite weapons
Quote from: sSethia on June 26, 2010, 04:37:49 pm7 Eternities6 Vampire Stilettos5 Druidic Staves6 Lobotimizers5 Owl's Eye4 Titans3 Morning Stars0 Pulverisers0 ArsenicsI have 0 of my favorite weapons Why are you holding on to that extra Eternity? I used to have about as many weapons as you do, but I sold them in order to upgrade my deck thinking if I got them once I could always get them again. Now I wish I had not done that.
i know how it feels to have to wait so long for a card you want. After getting my first rare card from the quest, it took my about a month to get my next. Now, I have 4 rare cards.