We know that the PvP system has never really worked right, but the last few days I have found it impossible.
At least 50% of the time, my opponent times-out in the first turn.
When that doesn't happen, I end up waiting nearly the full minute for each opponent turn. I know some people are slow, but come on...
When I do get a competent opponent who doesn't bail out, a good portion of the time they will time-out on a subsequent turn.
In short - out of probably 20 PvP games I have attempted in the last 3 days, maybe 5 of them made it to the end without the AI taking over.
I have this problem in IE and Opera. I can't even get Elements to load past the splash screen in Chrome.
Now, if PvP is just crappy and we're expected to swallow that, fine. It is, after all, a free game.