The Gold League top 25 you quoted seemed like pretty good evidence. But then I wondered, "why only look at gold league"? If we look at the other leagues we get a MUCH different picture.
Platinum: 5 entropies in top 25
Silver: 6 entropies in top 25
Bronze: 0 entropies in top 25 (!!)
(Obviously these statistics will fluctuate over time and perhaps the 0 in bronze was just a fluke)
I think this reflects the nature of Supernova. It synergizes well with lowish-medium cost cards. Not so much with expensive cards or cheap cards. We shouldn't be too surprised, then, that it has a major presence in one of the medium leagues and disappears in the extreme leagues.
Maybe you're right of course. Even the 5 entropies in top 25 Platinum is disproportionate with the total number of elements. But we have to be careful using super-specific cross sections to argue anything, it's like finding patterns in the Bible, you can find anything if you look hard enough. Heck, based on the top 25s of the various leagues, one would conjecture that Aether is rather underpowered

3 Aether in Bronze, 1 in Silver, 0 in Gold, 1 in Platinum, and all of those near the bottom of the leaderboard (bottom=closer to #25). OMG, Aether needs immediate buffing...

There's a Supernova nerf topic: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10216.0.html
Also, completely agreed. In the top 25 in gold right now there are:
If that doesn't seem problematic, I don't know what does.