Man.. I've been playing this game on and off since.. well.. I don't really remember.. 2010? 2009? Earlier?
Today I decided to log in on the forum cause I saw a glitch in the arena.. and.. wow.. there's a thriving community with new posts and tips and whatnot. I wonder why this game hasn't gained worldwide attention for it is really good in it's simplicity.
We could use some sort of update though.
Oh, a different person in the same thread? Welcome!
As for the "glitch", I'll assume you're referring to the NaN/1 HP decks. The 1 HP decks have been left in the arena for so long, that their maximum HP has been reduced to that. As for the NaN decks, they're filler for arena decks since the
maximum # of decks in arena isn't being met.
EDIT: Technically, this game does have worldwide attention. There are a bunch of people who play this game from around the world. Also, we have