Hey everyone!
I and a friend (Jonybat) have been on a project - develop a website able to store all games against False Gods and automatically generate statistics.
Here's the address:
http://elementsstatistics.gotdns.com/ (
and here's a demo on calculated statistics based on some battles inserted with a deck created: statistics (
To avoid any future issues i strongly recommend, on registration, to insert a different password from Elements (game or forum).
The project is not complete, more features will be added,
Please try it out and comment in here!
I would also enjoy some suggestions and/or bug reports please

For that you can contact me at Elements.Statistics[at]gmail[dot]com
~FrozenFlame & Jonybat
Suggestions made:
- short_description (by who)
-Bad Draws -> Deck Outs (ScaredGirl) (done)
-statistic: (average) cards left in deck (ScaredGirl) (done)
-option: cancel battles (Cisco) (done)
-add other levels than FGs (Cisco) (in consideration. Long term, probably)
-add overall row to statistics (PuppyChow) (done)
-sortable statistics (icybraker) (done)
For the suggestions not done yet, they will take some time implementing, but they're being taken into consideration.
From today (January 28th, 2010) on, accessing Elements Statistics while not logged in (or registered) will still let you use most of the features. However, changing anything while on that "logged in but not logged in" status will be shared with anyone else using that same "status". Think as if you would be logged in as 'guest', and that everyone knows the password of 'guest'.
This is to show the main content to newcomers so more people might want to join us:)