I always assumed the purpose of this thread was to measure the drop system and how it works. Showing off your nymph collection is nice too of course, but I think it would make sense for people to only post their +(nymph) when it's actually spun from the oracle. Obviously that makes it much harder for you to check whether what people are posting is valid if they accidentally miss one out or add in one too many, and that combined with the skew being very minor as you said means in reality the pros may not outweigh the cons. Basically I had an opinion when I started writing this and now I'm totally clueless as to what would be best.
This is what I was thinking, too. But how I understood this thread: we shall post all our nymphs we have to count nymphs in the community.
I feel the same way as
Tsmuji. However, I completely understand what
Odii Odsen has said. To that end, we should probably have either separate topics for Oracle spin nymphs and total nymphs in the community, or we should ask users to specify which they are posting in this thread. As for myself, I have only been posting Oracle nymphs. I would like to ask that others do the same, but I understand the love for posting your full harem. It's up to the community, really, but I do want to be able to try and track the Oracle drops at large.