First, I have to say that I'm new here, so hello all! I must have started playing Elements about a week ago, sort of on and off between other games and my friend playing as well (that I introduced to the game). I'm not sure of what answer you are looking for to be the "best", or one simply deserving of a prize of some sort, but there is only one that keeps popping up in my head. While I cycled through all the possibilities, some being cards, rare cards, coin to buy more cards, or a gift to benefit everyone else, I quickly gave up on those. I think the best possible gift for me, one that coincidentally works for the good of all related to Elements (the players and moderators alike) would be growth. This entails growth in the community, for lots more to play and have fun and help however they may; this also entails complete growth in the game itself, to give the players more cards to work with, to add more goals and more rewards to go along with the goals, etc. To me, this is the best gift because a large amount of coin or a few rare or strong cards only shine for so long before they are quickly forgotten, but if Santa came and brought me/us a fat upgrade in all the right ways, then the excitement you get from gaining a few cool cards or a large amount of coin would be doubled and would last for much longer. This is just the most sensible thing that could possibly come to my mind, since we all love this game, and while those other gifts are cool, those are too much like a secondary present, so boosting the game itself is obviously the primary present. If this truly is the most sensible idea (to me), then I definitely shouldn't have to explain any more to you because it will have planted itself in your heads as well. Cheers! I'll continue to play the heck out of this game and interest as many people as possible, since I wouldn't like it if there were a great game like this one and no one told me. 8I