My Elements-related gift request would be a balance effect on some of the cards out there. The main goal of Elements has to be fun, as it was created as a game. To this end, I believe I can make a post that isn't so much a rant as it is a request to even the field. I'm not going to try to analyze the whole thing because I believe the requests here should be simple. I am also a player that understands that some decks simply lose against others and some cards simply do not hold their own weight and should not be played, and that this should not mean that all other cards should be brought down to their level.
I believe that more decks should win because of great card design, not because they find the cheapest (
not referring to

cost) way of winning.
My request, after that too-long setup, is to take a card that is in each of the colors not significantly represented in the T50 (ignore rainbow) that costs too much or is otherwise not easily integrated into a rainbow deck and make it more powerful. What this should do is stimulate more growth in deckbuilding within that color and widen the overall field. Changing an already existing card is easier than thinking of a whole new card for the color. Also, the cards should be buyable in the shop.
I'm sorry that my request isn't terribly simple, but I believe that the best ideas in here should be ones that make the game better, not simply have Elements flavor to them.