S: Mono Air, The Deck, Patient Wardens, Ultimate Golem, Swallow
A: Chaos Wyrms, Poison Dial Sosac, BLARP, Fiestall, SoPa Vamps, Wait, Entropy Grabbow, Air Dark Domin, Adrena-Vu Rainbow, Earth Cremation, Ghostmare
B: Silencebow, Phoenixbolt, DBH, Gravity Dark Domin. Mono Dark Rush, The Bone Collector, SoFo Pull, Psiontal, RoL Hope SoPa, Pestal, Bonebolt, Mono Death, Wasted Time, Zen Dials, Chaos Scorpions
C: Druid of Arms, Pulvy Smash, Air Nymphs, Drainbolt, Vader Sader, Phoenixmare, Werewolves, Aether Domin, Death Dark Domin, Life Domin, Dark Tears, Grabwinder, Cremation Fractix, Guardtal, Neurotoxin Stall, SoPa Dials, RT Mummy, Dial Bolt, Fire Wall, Immortal
D: Disco Frogs, Mitofrogs, Adrenachargers, UG Dials, Air SoPabow, Time Grabbow, Mono Time Ghosts, Mono Entropy, Speed Poison, Toadmare, Earth Domin, Siphonary, Dark Blood Wall, Paravoid, Pestosis, Instosis, Frogtal Dims, Aether Stall, Void Dims, Void Bolt, Pandebonium, Water Stall, Eternal Grace, Ready Pharaoh, Silence Is Golden, American Glory, Wise Wyrms, SoPa Balls, Damseltal, Catatitans, Wings Recluse, Adrenapsions, Chaos Vampires, 10Dev, Ghostal,
E: Raging Dolls, Steam Punk, Patient Scarabs, Mitoghost, Deja Vu Rush, Dark Pandestall, Blessed Pegasus, Ivory Blitz, PA Wings, Mono Light Rush, MitoAngel, Raging Angels