Sundial will block only your attacks, while Discord not just scrambles but autocasts Black Hole every turn.
SoSe giving nymphs is bad, they are too expensive and most of the time end up as dead cards
It would dilute chances, true, however we could tell the same about Dragons, but remember our game #4 in Trials...
Dragons hit hard, nymphs don't. Plus, they don't require an upkeep either.
I would absolutely love a Blue Nymph draw... or a Green Nymph... even a Black Nymph can be handy!
Their usefulness depends entirely on the matchup. Yep, they can be too slow against a Rush, but can be
more handy against Domin or Rush.
I would welcome adding Nymphs to SoSe draws, however changing the chances for certain cards would be nice, too.
(OK, it would a bit ruin the "philosophy" behind the card, but I still find SoSe's performance a bit lacklustre compared to other Shards.
"Maybe" you get some help for 3 quanta, meanwhile SoFree, SoPa, SoD...)