I wanted to make all of my farms non-biting.
But when you get an other weapon, like me today (dagger), it's automaticly biting.
Because of the dagger, I submitted a SoV farm with darkness mark.
But I think it's not biting enough to let someone loose against it.
That one went 2-4.
And because of that I submitted my next farm (oracle card Armagio)
as a biting farm too. Only the 5 Elite Armagios, 6 SoFo and Gravity pillars/towers.
Went 2-4, too. Because of the wins, the dagger deck had, I changed my mind and
make the farms a bit biting.
Just to give the players the feeling, they deserve that rare.
Today: oracle card Unstable gas
Fire mark, 6 SoBr and Wind pillars/towers.