Not exactly sure what you mean by basic, but here's my two cents.
Most of the elements have a very basic, 1 quanta 1|1 creature. Then, each element has it's signature bonus. Fire is high damage, earth has high health, gravity sacrifices attack for higher health, etc.
phase spider (high attack, low defense)
dragonfly (balance)
parasite (death synergy)
virus or deathstalker (poison potential)
gnome rider (good defense)
shroedinger's cat (weird, very specific ability)
ash eater (good attack)
otyugh (low attack, high defense, but useful skill)
rustler (cheapness 1
) or forest spirit (cheapness 1 quanta ->+2|+3)
photon (random use synergy)
deja vu (funny timey-wimey effect)
chrysaora (bad by itself, but good skill with different element)