What really is confusing to me is voting no shards in any PvP event at all. Again, "yes" here does not mean all PvP unrestricted 100% allowing shards. If some events allow them, some restrict, and many others still choose to ban them in many cases and a player doesn't like using them or whatever distaste they have for shards then they do not have to enter the events that allow them.
(I quote your statements Essence as they triggered my thoughts, above, not that I'm aiming it all at you...)
Example: I don't like to play shards in 95% of the PvP events. Isn't it risky for me to vote for "yes"? I mean, if the PvP Organizer see, that so many ppl prefer shards in PvP events, then they probably will allow shards (restricted or not) in almost every PvP event. So I rather would vote for "no", cause I can live with no shards in events than too many shard events.
Nymphs: Nymphs are rarer than shards, right! But they are not as powerful as shards. Tell me one deck with Nymphs, that can change the meta like only ONE shard card.
2. I can't tell you if I like shards in PvP events, cause it really depends on the PvP event type.
3. Shards in tourneys are cool- sometimes. It wouldn't be fun if we can play Shards every time in weekly tournaments. (I know it wouldn't be like that...) But one tourney out of 15 with shards is okay. When people ask for more, then rather no than yes.
4. In Trials it was fun, but I would like to see shards only in the final match and just with restrictions.
Higurashi defined all of these as "yes" votes. If you vote no, then you are ignoring the intent of the poll.
I know, that's the exact reason why I removed my votes for 2. and 3.
I doubt more and more whether the poll is useful. For example every PvP event should have their own poll then. Do I like shards in DoH? No. Do I like shards in TCBOO? Yes. In general I'd like to have no shards in about 95% of pvp events, BUT I have to vote yes. That's the logic of this poll how I understood it. Tell me if I am wrong.
I actually think you are right. However that only apply for 1 of the votes and not for bl,cl,war, tourneys and trials where it already been specified. Either way I think that if a big majority would vote no to shards in events I think most event would adjust to that and not allow shards. So in that particular pool I think another option should be added and some reformulated:
- Do you want shards in an majority of pvp events.
- Do you like to ban shards in an majority of pvp events.
- Do you want to ban shards from 90%+ of the pvp events.
- Do you want to play with shards in 90%+ of the pvp events.
Actually this also belongs to tourneys, too, but not as much as in PvP events.
BL and CL are partially affected, because say "yes" always meant unrestricted. As long as nobody can find a good solution to make clear and fair rules, my vote goes 100% for "no". I was trying to make some suggestions for a new rule for shards in leagues, but it wasn't good enough it seems.
Interesting. I don't understand why people don't want to try it on war at the least.
The real confusion is why people say that there can't be good PvP events with shards. At least IMHO.
The real confusion is why people vote "no" for BL and "yes" for CL.
@TribalTrouble: Because Shards aren't balanced. Powerful elements would get stronger. And people wanted to try it, but there wasn't enough people for trying it. So you see how popular this idea actually is.
Also I want to post this again and hope you can answer my question

I voted yes to CL, tournaments, and PvP events. On a limited basis. But a limited yes is still a yes, so...
Undecided for the others.
Why yes to CL and not to BL?
Why should there be a difference?
Yes to all except BL. BL having shards in use doesn't seem as newb-friendly to me. It increases the chance of people being afraid to enter because they are afraid of tons of rares being used against them. Plus some newbs blame losses on a certain shard or shards being used against them which just makes it less fun at times. I support winning just due to having a better deck overall but having things like 'the deck' or a SoB deck out in BL just doesn't seem fun to me.
That means, it's okay if anybody who has no upgraded shards and who anyway has only 3-5 upgraded decks, has to deal with it in CL?