
How do you say Aether?

Ay - ther (sounds like Hay)
32 (42.1%)
Ah - ther (sounds like Cat)
5 (6.6%)
Ee - ther (sounds like Key)
21 (27.6%)
Eh - ther (sounds like Bet)
14 (18.4%)
Ie - ther (sounds like Pie)
4 (5.3%)
If - ther (sounds like With)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 76


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Re: How do you say Aether? (Poll) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=52028.msg1107284#msg1107284
« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2013, 02:17:30 pm »
Modern linguists think like you do as well, and it's a fatal mistake.

Fatal for what or whom?

The only way to prevent casualties is through a principle. Not dealing with a word at a time. That's what I mean about preventing loss; not really specific to aether.

Casualties? I get that you're enthusiastic about languages, but your rhetoric comes off a bit strong. I think we lose valuable lessons and cultural diversity when we let a language die. And I agree that principles are the key here, habitual preservation and retention. But, language is an organic construct. It is going to grow and change. There is no principle that will be honored long enough to maintain a grip on the long past. Language is growing far faster than it is dying, and standing your ground on pronunciation is possibly more short-sighted than you might realize. We can stand fast as scholars on the subject and build our bulwark of principles, but language will run past and not look back. Learn what we can, record what we can, pass on what we can, but be understanding when language takes an unexpected turn.

Over time we will lose a great deal of past language, but we will gain far more.

In the case of æther, we have an etymology. We can look back on the records and the current thoughts. We have an understanding about past and present pronunciations. It is good to be aware of how things were, but fighting how things are by trying to hold on to an outdated pronunciation isn't going to change the newer course language has taken.
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Re: How do you say Aether? (Poll) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=52028.msg1107445#msg1107445
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2013, 05:59:04 am »
Fatal for the completeness of chronicled words and meanings. In time fatal for languages that will die out as well.

Strong is fine. We will always gain more, but that's nothing we can influence to begin with. Languages will always grow with use, even when people try to stop it, so it becomes even more pertinent for academics to properly chronicle everything. Human history is still young; I don't want to see us unaware of the very first occurances in any example at all. I know it will keep happening, but whether a principle will be honored or not is up to you, and you alone. It's not impossible to minimize the loss, so there's no reason not to. This doesn't cut short on understanding in any way as far as I can see, since public use and academic use are separate. As I said, I don't mind anglicizing.

I'm not looking to change any course. The point still remains that we don't know of its the first occurance of the word. We can't change that now, but we can, however, make sure future linguists can be sure where, exactly, we got it from.
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Aether is the prime Element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all Elements to exist.
Aether represents the sense of joy and union, and the ultimate potential of all things.

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Re: How do you say Aether? (Poll) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=52028.msg1108039#msg1108039
« Reply #38 on: November 07, 2013, 01:51:08 pm »
I just wanted to add, Higurashi, that it's been enjoyable having this discussion  :)
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