@pikachu fan. thanks for the deck. Ill be working more on this later when I have more time. I have to give some thought for how to take into account quanta drain and other effects like vampirism.
Does this take into account how you can play your pillars/towers? So, for example, a RoL/Hope deck could potentially start off with an attack of 6 on the first turn if you played all 6 Rays of Light, but then you could only have a maximum of 2
Towers, 2
Pendula, or one of each, meaning that the maximum
quanta you could have on the next turn would be 2. In this particular deck that doesn't matter in terms of playing creatures, as all creatures are
, but it would affect when you can play Electrocutor, which is 5 HP a turn as well, of course, as the ability to neuter cards like Lava Golem, Steam Machine and Forest Spectre, severely cutting down the opponent's ability to cause damage.
So maybe I should go into what I was doing when developing these curves. I was just playing the shrieker rush and the mono aether as i would normally. you know as if i wanted to win. most decks have a really set strategy, so its not hard to just follow the strategy.
then at the end of my turn (before i hit spacebar) for damage potential, i counted the amount of damage I had on the field. and for damage reduction of dimensional shield. i check to see whether:
1) i already had a dimensional shield in the shield slot (damage reduction of 100%) or
2) had a shield in my hand and the quanta to play it (damage reduction of 100%, even if i decided not to play it, i still could have if i had needed too)
If i played a creature instead of a shield and the result was that at the end of my turn i did not have a shield in the shield slot nor the quanta for a shield in my hand, I recorded that as damage reduction of 0%. Then i averaged the available damage reduction during each turn.
As you can see in the graphs, this leads to a pretty much linear rise in damage reduction % untill about turn 8, where you basically are guaranteed to have 100% damage reduction.
Obviously a ROL/hope deck is slightly more complicated, than a shrieker rush. but generally if you want to win the match. you arent going to play all your ROL at the same time, that leaves you susceptible to CC, you play a few, and then play all but one when you have enough to fractal them. and you play hope ASAP.