Most of the random effects could easily be substituted with a single RNG generator and a guidebook with a table for each card effect. Or, instead of an RNG generator, you can have a die with a sufficient number of sides (improbable) and uniform-length tables corresponding to the die, with excessive side numbers in the table counting as a "re-roll." Furthermore, the tables could be changed into dichotomous key (but for 6 outcomes instead of 2, as per a standard die) with sequential dice rolls determining the number on the table base-6 (for example, rolling a 1-3-5-4 would equal 0243 base-6, which is 99 base-10), though with re-rolls a single RNG exercise would probably become difficult.
You don't need 75 counters to keep track of quanta in one element; for example we can have 30:15:5:1 values like in poker or Risk. This means that you only need 1 thirty + 2 fifteens + 2 fives + 5 ones = 10 counters per element = 120 counters in total.
Also, if we can use upside-down counters to reflect negative quanta (from 75), we can further reduce the number to 1 twenty + 1 ten + 1 five + 4 ones = 7 tokens per element = 84 counters in total.
And if you really like math, then we can use negative counters to subtract from positive amounts and positive counters to subtract from negative amounts for an optimized set of 1 twenty-five + 2 five + 2 ones = 5 counters per element = 60 counters total.