Oh boy, where do we begin...
Nicknames. Not having ability to change nicknames, while proves to serve consistent character... ultimately backfires. Not sure about you lot, but we personally find ourselves "growing out" of certain names, feeling after a while that some names just don't suit or stick up anymore. It might be just us, but if you're really concerned about getting people confused, then talk with admins to implement rules that restrict name change in our particular server. Alternatively, you can just stick around to see all the shenanigans that cause the name change, but, evidently, it's too much to ask.
Blab is easy to use. Remind us again what's so easy about having to resort to HTML code/third party host combination for ANY media file? You can upload songs, documents, pictures (especially screenshots) directly to Discord without having a care in the world.
We don't talk about Elements. Well, you lot don't talk about non-Elemental stuff. Sure, we have a lot of random discussions that don't involve the game, but what do you expect for us to do if all of the people that actually care about the game are in blab? Not to mention that EtG as it is hadn't had anything interesting literally anything happen to it in years.
As a sidenote, we do talk about EtG and oEtG. We wouldn't have made to entire channels dedicated for that sort of stuff otherwise. Speaking of that.
Discord's got too many channels. This is just a daft point, imo. What would you rather see, several discussions clashing into each other? And not just their topics, but the tones as well. We'd wanna have a separate discussion congratulating some random bloke that just set his game record or something, from another discussion, mourning someone's dead pet, and have neither being interrupted by any potahtoes, thank you.
Dices and colored texts. We HAVE dices. It works EXACTLY the same as in blab. As for the colored texts, we feel it's fair to trade that for an ability to actually hear your friends' voice.
Blab is built specifically for EtG. The game is dead, as we've stated earlier, and even if it wasn't, our discord server is just as specific for EtG as Blab. It ultimately comes down to users whether to have EtG-related discussions or off-topic rambling about dawn_to_dusk dabbing or something like that, which we would have less if all the people who still wanna talk about EtG just migrated to Discord server.
Joining discord requires creating a separate account. Image-hosting service also requires you to create separate accounts. Forums require you to create separate accounts. Elements the FRICKING game requires you to create accounts. Do you know which one is easiest to create? That right, neither! All of these are a cakewalk to create. (If anything discord is the second easiest one, only after Elements itself)
The PM system. This is valid, it is quite annoying to jump between the two, but hey, at least if you get kicked out of the Discord server, you at least get to continue talking to your friends. It is important to address something kinda correlating, though - the tagging system. If blab message goes UP too far, there's about zero percent chance for the tagged person to read it, where as with discord tags are permanent, so even if you fall asleep, you will still see a notification after you wake up (which is a major plus for people like us, who miss all the fun). Now, the forums (not blab) has a thing that can fix that - the forum PM system, there's just a tiny problem with it: it requires you going into a separate chat. Oof, that's some irony.
Discord server is too hard to follow. Can confirm, it becomes very tedious to keep an eye on the newest discussions in Discord, and we personally can say that we don't bother to follow everything and everyone (especially during YEKT nighttime), but think about it this way: you have the option to follow or not to. With Blab, that option is non-existent, with all of the discussions being practically erased from existence after a few dozen messages, most of which, due to blab having only one general discussion chat, gets swept away way faster than the ones in discord, not to mention that quality of those are rubbish, nowadays consisting primarily of Potahto's messages and people rolling the dice (Both of which have separate channels in discord). People said Discord won't help EtG community grow in quantity or quality, we'd like to see them explain how Blab is gonna manage that.
Discord bots are annoying. You're gonna tell us that Potato isn't/wasn't? Especially during days of Mafia?
Basically, all of the issues that people are having with Discord server are either:
1) Even worse in blab, but no one bats an eye
2) Can be easily fixed by said people taking participation in the server
3) Or address things that people who know very little, if anything, about the platform, claim to be absent, while the opposite is, in fact, true
Tl; dr: Take off the rose-colored glasses, fellas. Just cuz you got attached to blab doesn't mean it's fair to completely neglect all of the good things that happen in there.